View Full Version : Variant c j d fear
03-13-2011, 01:26 PM
I'm terrified I have this, it's the mad cow disease thing if anyone doesn't know. I've always lived in the uk,
My symptoms came out of nowhere and match exactly. If I do have it is a death sentence. I'm terrified. Does anyone else have this fear?!
03-14-2011, 08:46 AM
Just me then!
03-15-2011, 04:55 AM
Thanks forewells, it sounds stupid to everyone I'm sure it's just i guess it's my mind worst case scenario planning. I was googling yes and put my symptoms in an suddenly BAM U have cjd! The reason I'm so scared is there's no cure and no decimate test for it so I'm left in limbo waiting every day for a new symptom to emerge. ... I won't know I'm ok I guess until 6-7 months go by and hopefully I'm still alive!! Can anyone put me out of my misery,,,, the reason I'm convinced i have it is sudden inexplicable anxiety, sleeping problems and joint aches/pains for no obvious reason. That seems to be the first signature signs! I'm terrified!
03-15-2011, 08:03 AM
Thanks for your words forwells but i think my brain has convinced itself it's something serious now like a dog with a bone it won't let go....every day I seem to have a new symptom of it. I won't know either one or other until I suppose a Year has gone by and hopefully I'm still alive. It's not so much the die ing I fear but that disease is such a horrible death that it scares me rigid. What do I do to beat this?!
03-16-2011, 05:22 AM
I've had this fear too on and off since I first heard about this terrifying disease about 12 years ago!! It really scares me more than any other illness. I know it's rare, but I keep hearing that there could be an epidemic one day, as it incubates for so long! :(
I really understand how you are feeling Charlosa, but it's probably pretty unlikely that you have CJD, as only just over a couple of hundred people (I think) have already died from it over the last maybe 20 years or so. So why not the thousands that have been predicted??
You're probably bringing the symptoms you have on by worrying and convincing yourself. I know it's hard, but you have to try and stop yourself worrying so much. Have you tried any of the Bach Flower Remedies, they could help. Rock Rose could be a good one to try, as this is good for fear and panic!
03-16-2011, 10:22 AM
Thanks ratty girl it's good to know I'm not the only one! It's bizarre sometimes I can actually laugh at myself for thinking as I do yet in waves I am actually so comvinced that I'm die ing from this there's not a person on this earth who can convince me otherwise. I know the chances of it are slim but yet on the flip side it's not like it's impossible is it?! Bearing in mind I've had sudden anxiety. No logical cause, extreme emotion and now have sore joints and muscle jerking!! Is it just me or am I suffering from every symptom!!! I even can swear it hurts to swallow now. I'm managing to work full time so maybe I couldtn do that if I was really dieing?! I don't know help me Someone.!! Dr thinks maybe me/cfs?
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