View Full Version : first post and help

03-11-2011, 04:05 PM
Hi, dont really want to give my name etc so will just use my username, which is Salfordnurse.
I have a question that you may be able to help me with.
Can you have generalised anxiety disorder and still be OK talking in small groups, about work subjects and things you are knowledgeable about.
I'm a critical care nurse and am fine chatting about my knowledge and experience of this in small groups of about 10 people. But i find parties and social situations very difficult, i make excuses about attending nights out and meeting groups or friends in bars ( meeting my best friend for a coffee is OK). i hate going out in large crowds, i walk down the street if crowds start forming i will try and cross roads to avoid them. I purposely go out shopping early morning to avoid crowds and will walk out of a shop if too many people are there as i feel very uneasy and unsafe. I find it difficult asking for help in shops, and prefer to use self service checkouts than going to a server person. Its the same driving i hate driving places i dont know and hate busy traffic. (Ive been driving for 5 years and have been on a motorway (highway) twice and one of those was when i took the wrong turning at a junction.
I get anxious and scared i wont be able to get home or something will happen to me. I worry about many little
things daily, I worry if Ive upset people, I worry if something bad is going to happen to me. If i ask people to do something, which i stutter through i spend my time worrying if i was right to do it. I do manage to go out on my own, though was in my early 20's before i went into the city centre alone, but find myself constantly checking my
safety. Sorry for rambling but would really like advice.

03-11-2011, 08:49 PM
You sound normal to me...many people have a hard time with crowds.
there is certainly a level of anxiety there that holds you back though.

The question I have is what do you think triggered this?
What in your background led you to developing this? Any traumatic events, bad experiences, fear?

I would caution giving in to this fear, with anxiety, exposure therapy seems to be very helpful, which basically means you embrace that which you fear. Running from it makes it worse. Don't start avoiding all the time or you could get worse and eventually become agoraphobic.

Have you seen a therapist or counselor about it? I find counselors are not as easy to get to as in the UK and America; due to expenses and medical systems, simply the mere number of available counselors and cultural acceptance in the these two nations makes it easy to see one.

Have you read any books or done anything to help it?
Have your friends noticed it?

Take care

03-12-2011, 12:42 AM
Ive all ways been like this as far back as i can remember, even in high school. I would feel uncontrollably woried over the least little thing. My dad died when i was 18, so probably that didnt help but i felt like this before then. My friends have noticed and we have talked about it. Tthe talking in groups i mentioned, im fine if its smallish less than 10 or so people, and i will venture an opinion, but only within a limited frame of reasoning. Eg critical care medicine. As this is my specialist area. If there were others in the group who had this knowledge i would not say a word, as i would worry id made a mistake and said something wrong. All other group situations i try to avoid because i litterly feel sick, hot sweaty, palpatations even thinking about some of them. With crowds it is more than just large crowds. I was walking down the street yesterday and about 4 or 5 people started coming towards me, i felt trapped or as if something bad was going to happen, cant explain what so crossed the road to get away from them. I have been trying to expose myself to things but find it difficult. We do have a staff counceler at work, so maybe that could be a first step. Do you think this sounds like some form of anxiety disorder?

03-12-2011, 04:43 PM
Absolutely, anxiety is about fear...you experienced fear as the crowd walked toward you.

Allow the fear to pass; don't fight it...engage it. The more you let it control you the more it will.

Maybe once a day, at first, don't listen to the thoughts...let those people pass you.


08-03-2012, 11:02 AM
i have the same issues as you. I get anxious in busy crowded places. If i see large group of people i cross over if the shops are busy i walk out. I went to my bank the other day and i walked in and it wad quite busy. I usually use the self service machine and did so this time round. Anyhow it was really warm that day and that made me anxious. I literally had beads of sweat on my forehead and as i left the bank a woman looked straight at me and i was worried people noticed how hot and sweaty i was so i head down i carried on walking trying not to make eye contact with anyone and out of town into the safety of the car park.

It was then i realised i had to come back on myself as i needed to go to the town hall so i headed back down a side street and found somewhere to sit until i felt less anxious. What do you find helps you cope?

Sorry for long post x

08-03-2012, 12:45 PM
Great post btw. Yes, social anxiety, general anxiety, and panic as well. Is anyone presently being treated for any of these conditions or do you just live with them? I'm just curious if I may ask that?.. There are many ways to help alleviate these recurring symptoms.
