View Full Version : need help with my diet, please

03-10-2011, 02:08 AM
hey all

okay diet is something i have to change and iv been trying but im just lazy i guess

okay this is my diet soo far:

i wake up at 8am and have 2 glasses of warm water

9:30am i have a bowl of oats so simple along with a fish tablet and a banana afterwards (tbh this is quite filling)

this is where it is hard, im struggling on things to eat for lunch and dinner because i dont know what meals to have, yes i no what i should be having but i dont know how to make a meal of it

im having my fish supp and benana after lunch and dinner

thats about it, yeah not brilliant so i need help


03-10-2011, 02:15 AM
Check out my anti-anxiety diet post, hope it helps u....:)

03-10-2011, 04:51 AM
yes i have looked at your post before, tis where i got the two glasses of warm water, i understand it and i will follow it but what type of meals can i eat
also b-complex, why dosnt it suit some people, what am i suppose to be looking for?


03-10-2011, 05:44 PM
Fruit is good but limit it to two pieces a day because fruit is high in sugar .

Sorry my friend. But I have to disagree with you on this one. Although most of us (myself included) could certainly stand to GREATLY reduce our sugar intakes, I don't think that limiting fruit intake is a good means to this end. Fruit is ANYTHING but junk food. Its carbs are widely known to be 'good carbs' with a low glycemic index. Furthermore, fruits are VERY rich in vitamins and minerals. And when it comes to antioxidants, MANY fruits flat-out put veggies to shame. If anything, we need MORE fruit. Especially if this means that fruit is replacing junk foods.

I know that you mentioned the whole 'diabetic diet' thing. But let's face it. Most of us here are not diabetic. This means that, although GREATLY reducing unnecessary sugar intake from junk food is certainly a worthwhile goal, we don't need to go so far as to eliminate every last little bit of carbs in our diets (especially if this means DRASTICALLY reducing intake of something as healthy as fruit). I believe that, when it comes to diet, what we REALLY need to exercise is prudence. Not extreme deprivation.

03-11-2011, 11:41 AM
thanks guys for your imputs
i have been to my health shop today to see what they offer
and my diet will be getting better, i dont mind totally cutting things so junk food isnt an issue for me

there is one thing though
since i came down with all this i have lost 1 - 1.1/2 stone and im just a bit wary that if i continue this diet along with the increase of exercise i am going to be doing, im just gonna dropped too low in weight which isnt gonna be healthy

is there anything i can do?


03-11-2011, 02:48 PM
i get what you are saying but i really dont mind cutting out all junk i do like to be healthy and i have the willpower to do so, this is why i have never drank alcohol in my life

as for the weight, thats good as i dont want to gain weight i just want it to be stable

one thing that i have to ask though is that iv been told not to eat white flour products, if that is right then im not allowed pasta, is there other pasta that i can get that isnt made from white flour?


03-11-2011, 04:20 PM
I have to add to Robbed's . I do agree with him but even though fruits are good for you many do hold a lot of sugars . You only need to look at the Myth that fruit juices are health when in fact many fruit juices have as much sugar as a soda .

There's a HUGE difference between eating fruit and drinking fruit juice. For instance, an 8 ounce glass of orange juice uses 3-4 oranges to make it. And this glass of OJ can EASILY be gulped down in a few seconds. So yes, if you drink fruit juice, you are really dumping down the sugar. But would most of us actually eat 3-4 oranges in a sitting? Probably not. For one, you can't peel an orange and eat it NEARLY as fast as you would basically consume the sugar of 3-4 oranges by drinking juice. Secondly, most people simply don't have the desire to do this. But if this amount of fruit (or even 2-3 times as much) is consumed over the course of a day, it's certainly not going to have a huge impact on blood sugar levels.

Of course, even though a glass of fruit juice has the same amount of sugar as a soda, it is still preferable to soda. The glycemic index is lower (ie the natural sugars don't result in the same spike in blood sugar as when drinking a soda). And, unlike a soda, fruit juice also contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.