View Full Version : Hypocondria to Panic/Anxiety Disorder or Panic/Anxiety Disorder to Hypocondria

03-09-2011, 04:34 PM
What do you think? Is there an order possible or do both come hand in hand?

03-09-2011, 04:36 PM
I think it is like the chicken and the egg question. I would bet that both can cause the other so who knows. I know I have both.

03-09-2011, 04:40 PM
Both are feeding each other , but if I had to choose one to heal It would be hypocondria or cardiophobia , this is worst than a panic attack because at least between panic you kind find some peace ( maybe )

03-09-2011, 05:07 PM
Hypochondria This would have to be the biggest BS word in the dictionary . Lets look at it . I am sick , i don't know whats wrong with me so i worry that it may be this or that . Well i guess that makes everyone on earth a Hypochondriac. There is not a person on the planet that does not worry about their health and improving it .

Stress is the first and ALL the other are just side effects . No stress then none of the others .

They are only named so that drug companies can sell pills for them and so Psychiatrist can have something to put on the bill to the insurance company .

You can not have panic without anxiety . You might not notice the anxiety as much but you never noticed it sneaking up on you to start with .

I don't believe that everyone worries about their health like people with anxiety disorder. I lay awake at night not being able to sleep because I am convinced I am going to have a heart attack, I have a brain tumor or I am going to die from sleep apnea. That is not normal. So what do you call something like that if not hypochondria?

03-09-2011, 07:08 PM
hard to don't believe soemthing is wrong when you have a brain spasm tht make you jump out of bed in a fraction of second.God it was awful.

03-09-2011, 08:05 PM
the spasm was quite severe , I dont think I overreacted to this one , I mean a head spasm , really? not talking about a small shake up here , a full blown shake for 1 second


i feel like my neck is weak tonight

03-09-2011, 11:02 PM
I was getting tired of staying home for some days since I was sick for the last couple of days and my friend wanted to go to the casino so I agreed.

Stupid move , I won 150$ but felt like a lost by going , having seriously thought I was hitting a heart attack with terrible middle chest burning pressure in the casino and in the long way home in the car with my friend.thnakfully I'm not driving.

im just scared anxiety will have long term effect on me , my mental health is deteriorating and im seriously conmsidering going to a psychiatric hospital , but will probably laugh at my post another good day.