View Full Version : New :)

03-09-2011, 04:20 PM
Hey guys..

Well i am new to this whole site, not even sure whether many people use this anymore as most threads i have looked at were posted in 2010 =/. But anyway lol i'm zoe :) and have been suffering with a severe anxiety disorder since i was 15, and i am now 20 so a long 5 years of my life missing, i had to drop out of school due to my panic attacks so i never got any qualifications and i am unable to have a job, (which sucks big time).
I did see a therapist for atleast 2 years which did nothing for me she just kept blaming my mum for me having panic attacks, when it clearly isnt my mums fault.

Medication is a totally no no to me as i for some reason make myself feel ill when ever a pill enters my mouth and i think i am gonna die :( sounds pretty pathetic really as before the panic attacks i used to be to take paracetamol but no i just suffer in pain..

I hate the fact i have missed 5 years of my life and i feel i am not getting any better i very rarely leave my house as i panic and i cant go anywhere on my own which is kinda lame well in my eyes it is as all my friends go out clubbing shopping ect ect and i cant do any of that.

My anxiety has got to me that much now that i have tried taking my own life as i feel i am stopping my family doing things and i feel i am never going to get any better :(.

I know this is all jumbled up but am just writing what is coming into my head or should i say how i am feeling, cos no one ever seems to understand how i feel i am always being told to get over it and push myself harder :mad:..

I dont know whether any of you feel like this but i would love some feed back on how people cope with there anxiety or whether you are like me and dont cope at all. And also whether you guys feel ill alot or is that just me??

03-09-2011, 04:36 PM
hi , seems like you have some anxiety disorder with a bit of agoraphobia ( which is being afraid of going outside )

have you tried therapy?

03-09-2011, 04:43 PM
yeah lol i did say i had for 2 years lol

03-10-2011, 01:35 PM
I'm so sorry u feel so bad Zoe. I certainly have my good days and my bad days. Some days just go great, others are a horrible battle just to exsist and make it through the day. I don't know why this happened to me. It hit me out of the blue a few months ago and turned my life upside down. I've had the agrophobia and all sorts. I'm managing to hold down a job at the moment, somehow! ....not sure for how much longer I can but I really need to to be honest. It's app just extra Stress, life is just stress right now. Sometimes I hate it. Your not alone!

03-11-2011, 06:14 AM
Hi thanks forwells do u know the name of any good books?