View Full Version : Am i going crazy!!!!!?????

03-09-2011, 03:18 PM
Hello there… im not sure if i suffer from this… but i had my 1st. panic attack last summer… had problems such as… o/h been pregnant worry and stress arguments… things brake down in the flat developed alot of stress… one day i cracked went hot n cold dizzy really shakey and out of control… i thought i was loosing my mind… that my body was controlled by somthing horrible … any way i developed anxiety high levels of having panic attacks several times a day…. even doing every day stuff such as washing up or house chores made me go in to a state i could not control…. any way been to the docs im on sertroline now and beatablockers and seeking help CBT counselling i still get panic attacks and dizziness sickness slight chest twitches n pains burning skin sensations…. and really fidgety… also i feel most days that how the hell did i get through this day … as every thing seems slow motion …. now now i got a bit of pins n needles neck pain bit of chest pain where the heart is area…. but iv been to A n E several times…. and had ambulance out to me … im convinced im mental and going to croak it tomorrow or today…. but i wake up living tomorrow….. so any way its a horrid way of living i think i got a bit of hypochondria … thinking there is a serious problem with me such as im going to have a stroke,…. or i got cancer or im going mental or going out of control… when i get chest pains…. i freak out allways i try not to panic but beats me every time… im trying to control it. iv been off work sick for 3 weeks because i could not cope with people light sound could not eat i think i had a nervous break down…. but im back to work now battling thru this horrid life… anyway would love to hear some of you guys storys… and that im not crazy!!!!!:( x

03-09-2011, 06:56 PM
Your not going crazy! Welcome to the world of anxiety, it sucks!! What are you doing to deal with it besides the meds??

03-10-2011, 11:05 AM
You're not crazy, and I think you can heal! I have dealt with anxiety my whole life, but since it started from before I can remember I haven't known anything different. Whereas when I was younger the worst anxiety came in social situations, now that I'm older the anxiety has shifted over to financial and day-to-day anxiety. I am still socially anxious, though. But in a lot of ways I have gotten a lot better through paying attention to the triggers, addressing my diet, getting talk therapy with a psychologist, reading spiritual and psychology literature, etc. Unfortunately I haven't sought out help from others in the past (social anxiety and depression are isolating) and I think you're smart to come to the forum. Getting social support is key. Good luck and I think you'll do great.

03-12-2011, 08:07 AM
Yes, you're not crazy. I completely understand everything you described because I experienced it too. I think the chest pains are caused by stress. I also was very sensitive to noise, people, sound and light. Let's support each other and post your progress, take small steps and let's solve this situation. I believe we can do it. We deserve our normal life back.