View Full Version : Brain/Head Spasm

03-09-2011, 02:06 PM
Yesterday I was in my bed , on the edge of falling asleep , so kind a relaxed , and something that never happened and that doesn't fit any symptom of The Symptom List on the site , kind of a brain/head shock that felt like a muscle spasm.You wouldn't believe at what speed I jumped out of my bed , aftert hat , except beign scared I didn't really felt anything but that thing was one big spasm elt me tell you.

Today I feel a little bit like some kind of ''pressure'' , but not headache kind of pressure , more like muscle pressure.My jaw muscle are somewhat tense also.

Now is this something experienced because when it comes gto the head It's as scary as the heart ...

03-09-2011, 04:05 PM
I, too, have been experiencing something very similar to what you are describing. Mine is sometimes accompanied by pain in my right arm. I am sure this is just our anxiety kicking in. I also have IBS and I woke up one night with my stomach cramping severely. I asked my wife to take me to the ER cause I was convinced I had an obstruction and I WAS going to die. She tried to talk to me, but it is hard for someone that has never experienced a panic attack to calm a sufferer down. Needless to say we never went and I am fine now.

03-09-2011, 07:01 PM
anyone else? this is by far the most scary symptom I've had since my heart was going crazy 3 monthes ago.
Today I havet he classic ''tension headache'' and feel it might happen again.I'm terrified.

It's like when you have a leg cramp , and you have to move it quick , but inside my head , this is tremendously terrifying.
