View Full Version : Head twitches

09-11-2006, 01:08 AM
Lately everytime I go into public I notice that my heart starts racing and I get this huge brush of adrenaline throughout my body. I went to the hospital the other day to have a pulmonary and I had to breathe into a machine for 45 minutes. My head started twitching and my whole body started trembling. The lady asked me why I was so shaky. That didn't help at all because she called me out on it. I eventually calmed down a bit. This isn't the first time I've had these head twitches and body trembles. I've had them for quite awhile now and I can't control them anymore. I was on Paxil for about three years and then was put on Effexor XR for about another two. I don't take any medication anymore because I thought I was fine but things have gotten worse. I don't see my therapist anymore because of some disagreements. I was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how I could control these head twitches and body tremble.

09-12-2006, 12:04 PM
I feel for you Rayne! I have had the same thing happen to me when I went to the Eye Doctor. The best thing I have now is Clonazapam (it's a benzo), and I take one whenever I have to go into a stressful situation like that. It makes me calm, and totally takes the edge off.

And if someone asks you why you are all nervous, just tell them I"M HAVING AN ANXIETY ATTACK! Some people are so ignorant. Having any tests like that done are enough to cause anxiety in people who don't have panic attacks!
