View Full Version : 3 days ''ok'' , 3 days of extreme anxiety CYCLE

03-08-2011, 02:03 PM
for the past 3 weeks , I noticed this is what's going on , there will be a 3 day where i feel ok , with a little anxiety here and there , but livable , and something will happen , and then i would freak out for 3 complete days.Currently in the 3 bad days period , i just feel on edge and that my heart is not working properly !!! my muscle are tense and since I have the end of a cold I can't really train , its been 4 days without training now !!! i would but im scared my ehart not strong enough tonight !!

even though logically it should be anxiety my body is feelign like crap , i just now im gonna have a panic today , anything could trigger it at this point !!!!