View Full Version : Constant racing heart!

03-08-2011, 11:52 AM
God! It's driving me mad my heart won't stop racing! It's like 102 beats per min resting rate! I'm not even feeling that anxious. It's been days now and no let up, this can't be good for me?! ....I've tried slow breathing not doing anything. I've had ECG done some time ago, normal but maybe there's something else?....oh I don't know. I'm on my time of the month as well, don't know if that would affect anything :( driving me bananas. X

03-08-2011, 01:39 PM
That's still within normal (safe) range; so don't fret, but sounds like it is higher for you than normal...higher heart rate is normal with anxiety, but should not stay that way for weeks. Make an appt with you PC doc and they can give you the good look over.

Keep relaxing; deep breathing
Cut out caffeine


03-08-2011, 01:52 PM
is it always at 100? for how long now? dont worry it's not that fast , sometiems I had my heart rate way faster for hours and im still there but you need to do something to slow down your body , water in the face , belly breathing , anything that calm you.

03-09-2011, 07:02 PM
I work in the medical field and your heart beat should be within 50-120 beat per minute, BUT anything above 99 at all times is something that can be controlled with a beta-blocker. Like James said make an appt with your doc and see what they have to say about it. BTW I'm a healthy 30 year old female and my resting heartbeat is always about 88, which if high for a girl! Don't worry to much about it and know that your heart can handle a lot!!