View Full Version : Felt like something was shaking/vibrating when I breathed

03-08-2011, 02:43 AM
Just 10 secondes ago , I was there , pretty calm , I took a breath and something vibrated/shaked inside my chest , maybe the heart or something else , it was scary.What could it be?

im already having a rough night as it is and now this :,(

03-08-2011, 02:47 AM
this is by far the worst night I had for quite some time , full blown hypocondria with one major panic attack , the rest of a cold , eye pain due to headache , jesus.

03-08-2011, 06:44 AM
Most likely, this was just your typical muscle tic associated with anxiety disorder. This sort of thing is extremely common, and is notorious for scaring the living daylights out of anxiety sufferers. I know that this sort of thing can be VERY unnerving. Especially when anxiety disorder is at its worst. Just try to remember that it is entirely harmless, and SO many of us have lived through this sort of thing. Also remember that tics in the chest are not known to precede heart attacks.

03-09-2011, 06:53 PM
Welcome to my life, this is by far my WORST symptom that I have!!! Chest vibrations suck but like Robbed said it's a typical muscle tic. I hope this eases your worries some what. I wore a 24 heart monitor last month and I wrote down everything I felt that in my chest and when the test came back my heart had not changed it pattern so it's your mind playing tricks on you!! Hang in there buddy!!