View Full Version : Hi, new to the forums

03-07-2011, 07:48 PM
I've lurked on here for a bit but wanted to be able to post. I've in my mid thirties and have dealt with anxiety for at least 15 years or so. I've had it all but for the past several years; the focus of my anxiety has been more general and health specific. I no longer get the depersonalization episodes that I once used to.
Probably aggravating my anxiety is the fact that I'm a social worker and have worked in hospice for the past 3 years (I used to work in foster care).
Anyways, I'm sure I will be asking a lot of questions on here but would like to also make myself available to answer any questions as well since I think so far I've experienced just about all of the symptoms that I've read about on here. My annoyance with anxiety is that it is relentless. As soon as you get yourself talked out of one symptom, another one pops up. I have also found, as many have, that my anxiety symptoms are much worse during this time of year and since I live in the north, this time of year means about a 5 month period. As far as things that have worked for me, exercise is the best of them all but unfortunately doesn't last the entire day. It's funny, even right now, I have tightness in my chest and last week had palpitations that scared the >>>> out of me, but I can get on a treadmill and run for 45 minutes and feel great - no symptoms. I've been on most medicines available and find that they all work to some degree for a period of time and then lose their effectiveness. The benzos work great for a quick fix and then wear off after about an hour or two (Ativan anyways). More than anything, I think people with anxiety just want reassurance that they are going to be okay. Thanks for reading guys.