View Full Version : Thinking our way out

03-07-2011, 01:20 PM
I'm told that those of us with anxiety must simply rethink how we think. This is the "secret" to resolving anxiety.

So, as I work through my thought process:

When I get a sharp pain in my chest, as I can see it, I can do a few things: I just dismiss it as Indigestion or GERD? Ignore it? Accept it as anxiety? Presume it's a heart condition?

How does one answer this appropriately?

What is your thought process?



03-07-2011, 01:48 PM
I noticed the days or hours I feel good , it's possible I have a symptom , but 2 second after he's out of my mind , but when I'm anxious , the symptom can bring other symptom in a sick cycle that can last multiple hours.

how old are u james

03-07-2011, 02:16 PM
my therapist works with people who has chronic severe pain in his hospital while he's not with his clients and he tells me he knows more about the anatomy than most therapist and said that's why he's not worried about all my symptoms and people like me , he explained me all the muscle that I have around the chest area and actually showed me a picture and it's true I didnt thought we had so much muscle there , so the sharp pain is not scaring me anymore , but some other symptoms still are , I'll work my way up.

03-07-2011, 02:30 PM
Thanks for the response Kevin; but, isn't that what CBT does; cognitive restructuring?

What your suggesting is a physiological approach that starts with
1. What is happening to us physically?
2. How our minds translate this correctly

Part of the problem is few docs know what's wrong, so they simply default to anxiety...even they don't know why or exactly what's happening

But, I do appreciate you taking the time to respond


So, then