View Full Version : Just found out i was pregnant...now dont kno if i love my bf

09-06-2006, 05:30 PM
Well I just found out recently that i am pregnant. It has caused me sooo much anxiety. I am weirded out by the fact that there is something growing in me and that I feel like im not me anymore. like I have to be someone different. I am only 21 years old and still live with my parents. Im anxious about the fact that in just one day I feel like i have to change my entire life...and now im going to have a family with my current boyfriend?? It just makes me uncomfortable and full of anxiety. Before this even happend my boyfriend and i would talk about getting married and I felt that i loved him no questions asked. But now when i think of him I just feel uncomfortable and as hard as i tried I just cant feel how much I love him like I did before I found out I was pregnant. Has anyone had this and does it go away? If im going to be pregnant I just want to be able to enjoy it and feel comfortable with and love my boyfriend! He is excited about the entire thing and I feel soo bad that i cant be excited with him. I just want to know that it is just my anxiety that is getting in my way of feeling how much i love him and that I do still love him. its always comforting to knwo if other people have experianced this and will I get better?

09-07-2006, 03:36 AM
i remember thinking, when my partner became pregnant, "oh shit"!

i disliked children (they dribbled and spoke stuff that i couldn't understand), plus my partner an i were in the process of splitting up too.

we all go through a massive change and have wild thoughts when something profound as this happens. me and my partner are no longer together (and she got pregnant on purpose, the bovine) but i know one thing..

on the day my son was born the world became a better place. i'd never change a thing just knowing he's alive and well, and mine. bloody hell, this was nine years ago and i have three other kids now!

it's a difficult time and one in which that produces anxieties such as yours. a crazy thought but i suggest you try not to think too much at the moment as everything is up in the air and doing so serves only to increase your fears. allow things to settle first and then think about your relationship and the future.

oh, btw, do you suffer from anxiety disorder or just looking for somewhere to post?!

09-07-2006, 07:50 AM
I do suffer from anxiety. I dont liek to call it a disorder though. I get bad anxiety when I go through life changes. I dont handle them well. Moving out of my parents house, which i have done before, caused very bad anxiety and derealization for me.