View Full Version : Will it change me and him?

03-04-2011, 08:50 AM

So i basically need a little advice, i will try and make it short.

I am 19, and so is my boyfriend, we have been together nearly 3 and a half years now, and we both have anxiety.

I get extreemly anxious, when i feel he is annoyed at me, or doesnt reply to me, and this will often end to me being in tears, i am scared that i am pushing him away acting like this, which increases my anxiety more, sometimes i get in such a bad state i end up balling my eyes out, and cannot leave the house, as well as shaking.

He just got on pills for insomnia, and anxiety. i am very very scared/anxious that this is gunna change how he is with me, and make him less intolerable to how i am, and even leave me or change his feelings towards me so that he does not love me anymore.

I am considering going to the doctors to get put on anxiety pills.

I would like to know your opinion on:

If it will change his feelings towards me
should i go to the doctors

Just a little side note, i am not wanting to get put on medication as i do not want it to effect my chances of getting a job!

Your help would be appreciated.

03-04-2011, 03:04 PM
Hi StormSkyla, this is something I feel very strongly about as I was too worried about how my partner of 5 years would cope when I suddenly became nothing short of an hysterical wreck overnight. However your situation is different as you are both in the same boat so I would assume he would be more understanding towards you no?
To make it short, having this happen to me made me see how fantastic my partner is as he has been there every step of the way wiob this battle. Quite honestly if your boyfriend will not support you, or thinks any less of you for what you are going through he is not worth having.
Hopefully you can both support each other through this...maybe the making of you. I would suggest trying medication...it shouldn't harm your chances of getting a job at all.