View Full Version : This is basically what I feel, can anyone relate?

03-04-2011, 02:32 AM
My anxiety started when I was smoking pot with a few kids I use to hangout with... We weren't close or anything... We went into the woods to smoke and when we got high I got this scary thought... I thought that these kids didn't like me and would make fun of me behind my back and would signal eachother or something wierd like that... I felt inferior and I got this really bad anxiety. I thought I was picking up on "signs" of them belittling me but I guess I was just really high... After the high I believed this was true and with everyone I hungout with. Socializing became very hard for me because I was afraid that people actually did this, I felt extremely uncomfortable, felt like I was a fly on the wall... Life just got really dark after that and every high I had got that way and worse... I felt people could see through me too and see how nervous I was... After a huge panic attack I quit smoking weed... That last high made me feel like I was going crazy, and the next day my mind was stuck in a haze, I had huge derealization and it happened for months day in and day out... My mind kept racing and I felt I was going crazy.... It was a horrible feeling... Today I'm not as bad as I was with the "everyone making fun of you behind your back, anxiety.", but I find it hard to relate to people... I'm socially shy even though I can cover it up by acting outgoing which makes me still feel weird cause it's not me, but I dont know how to act... Relationships seem hard to cause my emotions feel numb, texting on a cellphone with a girl is hard to, cause I'm so concious about what I type out, I panic cause I dont know what to say so I type something and it doesn't feel right, I can't connect with the person in conversation.... So now I just feel basically fucked in the head.... Life's just tense and gloom now

03-08-2011, 08:37 PM
Wow it is weird how similar that is to my story. I just posted something similar in the introduction forum. I didn't have all the initial problems you describe, but I smoked a joint once and I experienced derealization and panic attacks for the first time that I can remember. I was out of it for for so long I forget, I know it was weeks or even months. I don't have them like I used to, but I still do. I have general anxiety, social anxiety and lately hypochondria is killing me. I do have trouble talking to people, but I tend to avoid it. When I do have to I usually start trembling like a nervous chihuahua and I anaylze everything I say while I am saying it. Something else may have eventually triggered it, but damn I wish I could go back and tell myself to stay away from that weed. Now I do the next best thing and try to tell me kids what happened and why they should never touch it.

03-09-2011, 04:13 AM
I had the same thing with weed once. while i was high i got so nervous and i got these anxious thoughts about what everybody is thinking of me and i just couldnt stop thinking these nervous thoughts and it felt like i was going crazy! but now i know that it was because of pot and actually i am very thankful for this experience, because i will never do it again! it was really bad experience.
I also had panic attacks for over 10 years and major stage fright and social anxiety. some people made me very nervous and i was trembeling and anxiously alert about my speak. I was worring too much about what others may think of me and i was very concious about myself. I was trying to be somebody else, trying to pretent that im more social than i was and so on. But then i just got sick of it and i realized that i just have to be me. and not pretend that i am something more than i am. i felt anxious because i was trying so hard to suppress my anxiousness, so it became even bigger. i wanted to feel calm and relaxed, but this "wanting" made me even more nervous...
so i just stopped doing all that....when i felt anxious, i just let it be, i didnt try to eliminate it or anything, i was thinking like: "ok, if you want to be anxious, then so be it, or if you want to make me shaky and nervous, so do it, i dont care! this will not harm me anyway, because i know it will always pass, it wont last forever. and if i make fool out of myself, so be it. SO WHAT?" :P so now i felt like i had more power in my hands because the fear was not controlling me, i was controlling the fear instead. And it LOST ITS POWER :P And from that time it kinda faded away...and if it came back sometimes, i just told the fear to do what ever it wants and left it alone, because i have something better to do anyway..i just didnt gave it any importance anymore :P and so the fear just ran way and havent seen it ever since :)

03-09-2011, 11:23 AM
I actually read the other day that a British research team took 100 people an started them with weed; a large percentage of them started have phychosis. So, weed impacts our psychological state, more than just a temporary high.

03-09-2011, 11:56 AM
My man... Dont worry.. ˇˇYOU ARE NOT FUCKED IN THE HEAD.. ˇˇˇ i had the same felling when my anxiety started because i smoke some pot and ritalin.... what i learned is that the drug sometimes can be a trigger... but you ARE NOT FUCKED... you are an anxious person since you where bornˇˇ But now you know that pot sucksˇˇˇˇˇˇ and that is a good thingˇˇ not everyone can handle it.... and more immportant.. if one day you need to take medication DON`T RELATE THEM TO DRUGSˇˇˇ.. at the beggining i was affraid of taking medication because my mind keept saying.." THIS IS THE SAME ˇˇˇ YOU ARE GOING TO BE MORE FUCKEDˇˇˇˇ" but that its not true... Relax, you are fine..
sorry my english.. and contact me anytimeˇˇˇ