View Full Version : dental obsession

03-03-2011, 02:33 AM
I am 22 and recently i got a deep cleaning of my teeth due to some gingivitis and am quite alarmed that i still have a bit of bleeding. It has for the most part gone away when brushing but when flossing it seems to still be the same. Made the mistake of doing some research on gingivitis online and am now in an anxiety hell. I'm convinced my teeth are gonna aren't going to last long and further more that i'm just going to have a heart attack at a young age. Need some reassurance here. I'm hoping if i continue taking the care of my teeth (brush and floss twice daily) i will at least keep my teeth until i'm an old geezer and the problem at least wont get much worse. Until then i am having a 24 hour panic attack over this.

03-05-2011, 09:49 PM
same here , really scared of periondontal disease since I had a gingivitis and also sacred of heart attack at young age.I am 24 and I smoke to make matters worse.You should go to the dentist and tell him about how it's stressing you and take it from there , that's what I'm gonna do once my therapy is finished cause dentist ain't cheap.I also sometimes have a weird taste in my mouth , taste like burning mucus or something , disgusting.Not sure if others smell it.

08-21-2013, 02:44 PM
Why would you have a heart attack?

08-21-2013, 03:04 PM
A llittle bleeding is OK after a deep cleaning. Alankay