View Full Version : Losing anxiety meds??

03-02-2011, 04:07 PM
Hi! I am wondering if anyone could advise me if I am changing to a new doctor, will I have a problem keeping my GAD medication (lorazepam), which my past doctor has prescribed for many years?? I find it is causing me anxiety worrying he will take away these meds that have helped me so much in my life!

Any advise would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you! lavkc

03-02-2011, 11:40 PM
Actually, your new doctor will most likely not give you a prescription for lorazepam. Most doctors don't like to give out benzos due to their reputation for being addictive. And most any new doctor you get will probably want you to switch over to an SSRI/SNRI antidepressant (never mind that these can also be VERY addictive, and are not really better drugs). The new doctor may or may not prescribe benzos long enough for you to wean off. And even if they do, they might force you to wean faster than you are comfortable with. My advice? Unless there is something you REALLY dislike about your current doctor, stay with him/her. This way, if you are dead-set on sticking with benzos, you can stay on them. Or, if you wish to either go with an SSRI/SNRI or go without drugs period, you can wean yourself off benzos on your own terms.