View Full Version : Need guidence! Please Help me!

03-02-2011, 09:10 AM

Here is what is going on, I am a 23 year old college student, and have been having very bad anxiety and panic attacks for about two years now, and its been getting bad. I am having panic attacks lasting for over an hour for 2-3 times a week. It got to the point where i went to get medical help.

The doctor prescribed me Sertraline (Zoloft) 100mg a day, and 15 1mg Xanax taken as needed.

Iv been taking these meds for about a 4 weeks now, and have not seen any improvement. I have also been seeing a counselor to talk to in order to get me through this problem.

My issues is that the Xanax seems to be the only thing that seemed to slightly help, however, I ran out so I went back to the doctor. He stated that he will no longer give me any more xanax because its so addictive. However, my counselor thinks it would be wise to see another doctor in order to be placed on xanax daily.

First off, is 1mg Xanax considered a strong dose? Any one ever use Sertraline(Zoloft), cuz its not seeming like its helping any. Would it be worth seeing another doctor?

By no means do I want to get addicted to Xannax, or any drug for that matter, but my panic attacks have been getting so bad to the point where I cant sleep, cant go to class, and just not my self any more.

Please Help!

03-02-2011, 04:57 PM
I couldnt take it any more, so I went to the doc. He up my meds to Sertraline 200mg, and put me on Clonazepam 1mg.

Couple of questions:
1)has any one used Sertraline before, cuz it doesn't seem to be helping, hints why he uped from 100mg, to 200mg.

2) What kind of side effects can I exspect when on 200mg, instead of 100?

3) The doc said that Xanax is fast acting, but your build a tolerance VERY fast, Will this tolerance transfer over from the Xanax to Clonazepam? like cuz i been taking xanax, will I have a tolerance for the Clonazepam?

4) Because Clonaxepam is not as fast acting as xanax, will I get the same kind of relief as I did when taking the Xanax?
I relize Im asking alot of medication information, I just really wanna make sure I know what Im putting into my body....and I just want to get better, Will some one please help me!!!

03-04-2011, 07:41 AM

Please some one help me, im going crazy dealing with all this stuff!

03-04-2011, 02:28 PM
I was taking xanax and klonapin at the same time. The dr weaned me off of the xanax because it wasn't doing any good anymore because I had built up a tolerance. I found that I also built up a tolerance to the Klonapin and it wasn't helping anymore. Of the 2Klonapin is probaby a better choice. I found that it takes about 20 minutes to work. I would just take it when you absolutely need it so you won't build up a tolerance as quickly.