View Full Version : Has anyone found that feeling bad has a negative effect on exercise?

03-02-2011, 07:23 AM
Last Saturday, I wasn't feeling too hot. I was in a REALLY bad, anxious and self-hating mood. Alot of it was over the meetup group that I joined and was going to attend the next day. When I went on my walk, I had a REALLY hard time climbing back up the hill. Normally, this is a challenge. But I had to push myself REALLY hard to get back up without stopping. I did the exact same walk again yesterday. This time, I was actually feeling pretty good. After all, the meetup went MUCH better than expected. And I climbed the same hill with no problems. In fact, I would say it was easier than it has EVER been for me! Admittedly, this could be due to the fact that I am actually conditioning myself by climbing this 700ft hill. But is it possible that feeling better played a part?

03-02-2011, 08:39 AM
Last Saturday, I wasn't feeling too hot. I was in a REALLY bad, anxious and self-hating mood. Alot of it was over the meetup group that I joined and was going to attend the next day. When I went on my walk, I had a REALLY hard time climbing back up the hill. Normally, this is a challenge. But I had to push myself REALLY hard to get back up without stopping. I did the exact same walk again yesterday. This time, I was actually feeling pretty good. After all, the meetup went MUCH better than expected. And I climbed the same hill with no problems. In fact, I would say it was easier than it has EVER been for me! Admittedly, this could be due to the fact that I am actually conditioning myself by climbing this 700ft hill. But is it possible that feeling better played a part?

Definitely. When you're anxious/depressed it feels like there's a cloud layer surrounding your brain. You can't think clearly, you can't focus on the activity at hand because your brain is off somewhere else.

I remember a month and a half ago I had a span of like 3 days where for some reason, my anxiety/depression just went away..i literally was myself like anxiety didn't exist but then I started to think about it again and it came back and hasn't left since. But during those 3 days I was able to just focus with a clear mind and it made life SO MUCH EASIER like a giant weight has been lifted off my back.

If you're not into something then chances are you won't be good at whatever it is you're doing.

03-03-2011, 06:53 AM
Yes it really can effect how you perform physically. For me it felt like my legs were sinking in the ground and I actually wanted to just stop in the street, lie down and stay there.