View Full Version : HELP...What kind of anxiety is this..

03-02-2011, 05:49 AM
Hi All.

First of all let me just say i am a 24 year old woman who has been dealing with anxiety for about 2 years on and off, since my first panic attack in 2009.
My anxiety is nowhere near as bad as some of you, but i have been there before, and its awful, and im sorry some of you are feeling it.

Anyway I need some advice as to the type of anxiety I have at the moment.Heres an example;

Generally im fine (get on with daytoday jobs, no problems), and dont have anxiety..so i go about my day. Then ill text my husband. 10 mins later he hasnt text me back.
So i get a very very light soft flutter of panic and my mind starts thinking of reasons for this, maybe hes been in an accident?
Then i phone him, no answer. I start really panicking now, calling and calling, convincing myself hes dead, until he picks up, panic getting worse and worse with every ring. Then I almost cry with relief, and everything goes back to normal.

Afterwards I feel so stupid (i generally hide my hysteria from hubs, not because he isnt supportive but because theres nothing to discuss when I finally get through). Its frustrating me because its getting quite frequent now, and i never used to be this way.

Any info about what this is would be great. Is it just stress? General anxiety or a panic attacK?