View Full Version : Hello

03-01-2011, 12:46 PM
Hello, and nice to meet everyone on here.

I've had anxiety and depression for 9 years, but have recently decided that I want to get better (long story short - I've sort of been in denial about it for a long time).

I'm hoping that I can find some support and like minded people here, as I find it difficult to relate to and express myself to my doctors. I'm also hoping for some advice…as much as I'm trying to improve things, I feel like it's all getting worse, including the physical symptoms (today I had a panic attack and notices my vision was so blurred, even wearing my glasses which are supposed to correct a focussing problem, that I couldn't see straight for nearly an hour afterwards. This really scared me.). I also don't feel like I have anywhere to turn or anyone to talk to about this. Does anyone relate?

Anyway, that seems like quite a long and not so happy introduction, but I'll be happy to chat with you all, and hopefully not feel like such a freak when I write here.

03-02-2011, 07:31 AM
Sambeckett - Welcome! Don't feel like a freak what you are going through I'm sure many people have gone through. One of my first signs of anxiety was blurry vision and black floaters in my vision. Also ringing in my ears along with many other "weird" things! What are some things you do you deal with your anxiety and depression? Do you take and medication or supplements? Everyone on this site has been so helpful to me with what I am going through so know that we are all here to help you out!! Hope things get better for you!!


03-03-2011, 06:23 AM
Hi, welcome i'm new here to.

I understand that it is intimidating to speak to a dr, I find them really intimidating and I get anxious just booking the appointment. I just feel that they just don't get it!

Hope you find good support here