View Full Version : Revenge of the anxiety monster

03-01-2011, 08:43 AM
I've been on these forums a number of times, complaining about relationship anxiety on my part i.e. having serious doubts about the relationship and feeling very very anxious because of it. All that cleared up in the end, and I was relatively free of it right up to the point when my girlfriend left me because she no longer felt the same about me. Anyhoo, I'm not here to talk about that. I went through the break up just like everyone else goes through a break up, and 3 months later, was feeling ok.

However, it seems my anxiety has suddenly made a comeback.

I had been feeling very anxiety-free for a fairly long time, even my stomach issues had nearly completely disappeared. I was able to hang out in bars completely sober for as long as I wanted with not so much as a whiff of anxiety. Then, a little over a week ago, it came back. We had been drinking the night before (was a great night btw), and the next day we had to drive over to my friends house to pick up an expensive bottle of scotch that my friend had left there the previous night. Now, I know my stomach, and I know that when hungover, it tends to go really bad, so it came as no surprise to me that while driving to my friends house, it started acting up and I started feeling rather anxious about it. I thought "no biggie", and we eventually made the trip and back without re-upholstering the insides of my car.

For the next week though, I had ever so slight problems with anxiety (one of my classical symptoms is worrying about my stomach in situations where I cannot reach a bathroom quickly), but nothing major. However, saturday morning came rolling about and we were supposed to go to Haaparanta in the north to pick up some Snus. About 5 mins into the drive the shit figuratively hit the fan, and I started feeling really very anxious about my stomach (long car trips you see). We turned back, and my friends re-scheduled the trip which I am going to respectfully decline to join.

Ever since then, it seems my stomach anxiety (or anxiety in general) has taken the front stage again. Even things like driving to the gym yesterday felt uncomfortable. I'm worried as hell that the anxiety will come back full force, I mean it was so fantastic to be able to not worry at all about my stomach acting up (I used to have real trouble being sober in a bar for some reason, I got really anxious). I'm hoping like crazy that this is only a short term thing, a spike of anxiety if you will.

Any comments? Words of advice? Similar experiences?