View Full Version : Medication 4 Anxiety

09-05-2006, 11:53 PM
Hey everyone,
I'm new to this forum, and it is so good to finally be able to talk to ppl that suffer from anxiety like I do. Anyway I thought I would ask if anyone has tried Lexapro? I started Lexapro 2months ago or so, when my anxiety had finally gotten so bad I forced myself to go to the doctor. I had midly suffered anxiety during car rides a couple of years before that and on plane rides, but 2 months ago it completley consumed my life. Well anyway I would just like to know if anyone of you still suffer from a tad bit of anxiety still even while taking the Lexapro. Like when my anxiety flares up when im at the grocery store I'll have a couple of anxious seconds and then my anxiety melts away. It still bothers me though because I am afraid to travel( even in a car) because I'm afraid I will have a major anxiety attack. And I'm supposed to be starting college soon and I'm afraid I will have a panic attack in class! Anyway my question is which medications have worked for the rest of you, and do you think I should talk to my doctor about switching, or is this just a part of my life I will have to deal with?

09-07-2006, 11:00 AM
Tiger, is the Lexapro working for you? I mean, are you seeing good results at all? If you get anxious alot still, you might want to talk to the doc about upping the dose.

As for situation-specific problems, you might be able to get a prescription for beta-blockers or benzodiazepines from your doctor. Both work within an hour or two and can help you in anxious situations. Most docs tell you to take benzo's only on an as-needed basis, as for *some* people they can be addictive.

09-08-2006, 06:03 PM
Well it works in the sense of my anxiety has gone down alot, but i still get a tad bit nervous in certain situations. I'm just afriad if up the dose i won't be able to wake up for work ( I already have a hard time getting up I wake up at 11ish everyday) I only used to sleep till like 9 if that. I just wish there was something that would compleley eliminate my anxiety..Thanks :o) I will look into the benzos.