View Full Version : Constant Stomach Gurgling?

02-28-2011, 02:29 PM
So I haven't posted in a while and my anxiety seems to be getting better for the most part. My only real concern noticeable thing now is almost constant stomach gurgling. It happens from my left side to the middle to even below my belly button. It's been going on like this for a couple weeks now. I mentioned it to the doctor the last time I was there and he said it could just be a change in diet. I've really stopped going out to eat as much but I still do so just not as often. I haven't had any real pains in my stomach or anything and my bowel movements seems ok (go once or twice a day.) Just happened now like a rolling grumble with the sound of liquid at the end. I don't know if this is anxiety/diet related or if I should go back to the doctor and see if I need some tests done. Does anybody else get reoccuring stomach noises that happen throughout the day even if you haven't ate in a couple of hours?