View Full Version : dont know how this is gonna go

02-27-2011, 10:43 PM
So for those of u that don't know me I have had gad for 3 years in therapy and never meds sums it up lol anyway my path this last week has been great. Anxieties way down again looking foward to summer and have recently made a decision to get back in the baby making business. Possibly not sure I'm juggling anxiety school 2kids ages 2 and 7 and of course house work. Ugh my anxiety is swaying but am learning to get over a lot of it...... anyway my anxiety first started when my 2nd born was 6 months all the responsibility got to me and I don't think it will ever disappear completely always lingers but I'm wondering if this.is a good decision.......we really want a boy ...now or never. Or.wait.. hmmm