View Full Version : Nasal Voice/Pressure in Head, Face, Mouth, and Ears?

02-27-2011, 07:04 PM
Does anyone have a nasal voice or this pressure that you feel 24/7 in your head/face/mouth/ears that makes it so you can't speak fast? I know I experience this because I used to have a very deep kind of raspy voice before, and now I have a higher pitched voice and sometimes a nasal voice and feel these sensations in mouth/face/head and ears 24/7. The sensation in my mouth is like my mouth feels small and weird, and also this kinda scary sensation when I focus on breathing through my nose and I can feel air in my mouth and I think that has alot to do with my nasal voice. I looked up on how to get rid of a nasal voice and it says to blow my nose, relax my shoulders and cough alot and that seems to help sometimes but not all the time. Anyway I just wanted to ask 2 questions to my fellow anxiety sufferers here. 1. Does anyone experience this? 2. Is this anxiety related?

02-28-2011, 07:49 AM
Yes this is normal symptom of anxiety, i do get them sometimes when i have had very less sleep a night before or when i do excess traveling, ( it was worst when i had a bout of heavy cold/flu with sinus like symptoms) the pressure in the head especially just behind the nasal area also pressure in the ears and mouth feelings of choking and narrowing of the wind pipe, dont give it much thought just divert yo mind to something else and learn to relax and accept all the sensations yo feel, they will be gone i no time also check out my anti anxiety diet, hope it helps you out, Cheers!!!!!!!!!