View Full Version : SSRI Question

09-05-2006, 03:35 PM
Hey all i was wondering if anybody had this problem i've been on zoloft for about a month and a half the first couple weeks were ok but for the last 2 weeks i'vee been up and down i am a level headed person but since the meds my moods have been all over the place i'll be ok and then i'll just be depressed for no reason my emotion are all over the place anybody eva have this problem

09-12-2006, 08:36 PM
hey!! i am having the same kind of experience that you are. i have been on zoloft for about the same amount of time. i started out taking 12.5 mgs because i was very very nervous about having side-effects. i took lexapro (another SSRI) and had some pretty horrible side-effects. :shock: so my doctor started me on a very tiny dose of zoloft. at first it made my anxiety worse!! then, after about 2 weeks i started feeling better... so the doctor up'ed my dosage to 25 mgs, which is the normal starting dosage. at first i was doing fine, and now i feel depressed. sometimes i feel okay, and then at other times i feel nervous and depressed. :cry: i don't really understand what's going on. maybe i just need more now that my body has gotten used to it?? my next appointment to see doctor is not until oct. 10th. i tried to get an appointment sooner, but there aren't any available. i'm so worried because i don't feel like myself at all, and i am starting nursing school this semester at college. i'm worried about not being able to handle the pressures of school along w/ the depression/anxiety problem.

09-18-2006, 05:03 PM
I think both of you should switch over to Lexapro - i started it 6 days ago with minimal side effects and it has been working wonders for my anxiety depression. I literally felt better the first pill I took although the first day i did feel a little spacey. It is nice to feel normal again after 5 years of trying to find other ways besides meds to beat this with no results.

09-18-2006, 06:13 PM
I started taking Lexapro in early August. I wasn't back to normal but I was feeling a bit better. Then September rolls around and I lose it again. Crying all the time, panic and anxiety, insomnia, serious mood swings. I checked myself back into the hospital after I'd written two suicide notes. I'd never taken it that far. They said I was intelligent and had a lot of insight into my illness and didnt' feel that I needed to be admitted. I felt a little better that I was going back home but ended up calling crisis on and off all night because I couldn't sleep even after 2 mg of Ativan. Eventually I crashed and slept all day. I needed it. I was starting to feel better than all the sudden today I felt a little panicky and that's ALL it takes to send all those feeling flooding back in. I've made a concious decision to no longer let it effect me so much. To stop letting myself get so hysterical that I can't see anything but black. I don't know if it will work but I'm going to try...anyone else have these crazy feelings?