View Full Version : hello =)

02-24-2011, 06:41 AM
hello my names anna im 19 live in shropshire , and ive had anxciety for about 7-8 months now since my drink got spiked with somthin very toxic, and every since ive had panick attacks and anxciety atacks, feeling short of breath threwout the day and having hot flushes wich make me panick , cant sleep at night without getin paniky andnormally just cry my self to sleep till i tire my self out :/ i refuse to take medication for this as ive herd bad new about it all . and i dont want to have to rely i tablets, i have tred herble remody stuff but nothings really helped, im thinking of giving up right about now unless sombody can help i just want to lead a normal life and have a job i can keep and get on with my partner and have a happy life

sombody help please xxx

03-03-2011, 06:37 AM
Hi Anna, I live in Shropshire as well. I'm sorry to hear that you have had such a horrible thing happen to you. Have you asked your GP to refer you for CBT counselling? It is important that you get CBT as opposed to any of the other types of counselling as it is the most effective. It is available on NHS.

Hope you feel better soon.

03-20-2011, 03:42 PM
where do you live in shropshire? i have had councelling but nothings working