View Full Version : hot flashes

02-23-2011, 04:08 PM
Hey guys,

So I've been feeling better after a pretty rough stretch of time and encourage you to keep with it. My faith (as can be evidenced from my name) in God and the Lord Jesus Christ have helped me tremendously during this time.

There is something however that continually plagues me and I wanted to know if anyone knew what it was/experienced it themselves. I endure periods during the day where I'll feel hot internally (sometimes this will manifest itself by my ears and forehead heating up) and I will be overcome with a feeling of despair and hopeless and just want the feeling to pass over me. It doesn't feel like a conventional panic attack I guess in that I'm not necessarily always looking to escape but I do feel a strong sadness, yet anxiety at the same time..it feels sort of like what happens when you exercise right after drinking milk with the lactic acid running rampant. Any reassurance or thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

02-24-2011, 06:04 PM
Once again you are of great help. Thanks forwells