View Full Version : Visual Disturbances

02-23-2011, 02:07 PM
Just wondering what kinds of visual disturbances if any people have. I developed a lot of floaters about a year ago and have since started having bluring and after images. Not sure whether this is related to anxiety or not. Tinnitus also started around the same time.

02-23-2011, 05:14 PM
Hi there.
My first and worst symptoms have been visual. It started with floaters, mostly in left eye, then light sensitivity, then everything looking surreal (which i think was derealization) and i also have problems with my peripheral vision where i see things that i never noticed before out of the corners of my eyes. It seems as if bright lights kind of twinkle in my side vision. I also get jumpy vision, mostly in the morning. I have had all the tests on my eyes and all is fine. Apparently it is because our eyesight becomes over sensitive due to adrenalin. When we go into our fight or flight mode our vision is heightened as well as the other senses too. This also causes tinnitus, which i suffered from too but has faded now, as our hearing is on high alert all of the time. Hopefully these symptoms should calm down as we get better.

02-26-2011, 04:58 PM
Hello jr991- One of my first symptoms of anxiety were eye floaters and light sensitivity. I also getting ringing my my ears at times. I have just gotten used to it and I wear sunglasses more then I used too. So yes to answer your these are signs of anxiety!