View Full Version : Strange Feelings When Trying To Sleep

02-23-2011, 09:20 AM

Several years ago I developed problems with not being able to fall asleep. I would lie in bed for hours with my eyes closed and just not be able to fall asleep. I began fearing bedtime because I hated that feeling I would get of laying there feeling this total body numbness almost like I was 3/4 asleep but my mind was still completely awake. I then became addicted to ativan, alcohol and sleeping pills and for years have not been able to take naps during the day or fall asleep very easily because I think my brain has been programmed to need something to sleep. I recently was able to get off everything and start to sleep naturally for the first time in a long time until a recent episode of anxiety again which has got be back into the habbit of sleeping pills. For that period of time that I was sleeping well and off the pills I don't remember having that total body numbness or paralyzed feeling when trying to go to sleep.

Has anyone else experienced this feeling and is it anxiety related?

02-23-2011, 11:53 AM
NO not really. i lie there for hours and struggle to go to sleep but i havent ever taking anything to go to sleep. I am agoraphobic so im terrified of meds anyway. Ativan does knock me out though (hospital gave it to me once). i dont have any advice for you except maybe tire yourself out during the day. dont over exert cause that might cause anxiety to worsen im not sure but i have found that poor sleeping habits make anxiety much much worse.