View Full Version : can my lack of sleep be causing my anxiety?

02-22-2011, 12:39 PM
Hey all

okay i suffer with anxiety, but im learning to cope with it but something struck me this evening.
the day my anxiety first started was a day where i had a nap in the evening because i was tired, when i woke up it was there
the second time my anxiety started was on another day when i had a nap in the evening, again when i woke it was there

The last few days i have been okay however i havnt been having very good sleeps lately so today iv been tired, i dozed off for only like half hour and as i was waking up i felt pretty anxious and it felt like i was shaking but i wasnt

so to me it seems like my anxiety is brought on by being tired in the day and having a little nap.

could this be the case?

also the last couple of days iv been experiencing chest pains in the left side of my chest, is this something to be concerned about?


02-23-2011, 11:50 AM
Okay so yea if i take a nap i feel worse than if im just tired. I have finally found the root to my anxiety and its stress. when im stressed out i go over the deep end. but if the stress is relieved after a couple of days i feel good again. as far as left side chest pain. do you worry about heart attack? I have left side chest pain all the time off and on. Heart attack is middle chest not left side and its constant it doesnt go and come. I have had it for about a year now off and on. sometimes off and on all day and sometimes a week i have it and the next i dont. So i highly doubt its heart related. I have been having mid chest pain but relieved by tums and have came to the conclusion that if it was really a heart attack then i would have had one already. anyways sleeping to much is not good. follow the 8 rule. 8 hours of work 8 hours of you time and 8 hours of sleep. no more no less.
hope this helps :)

02-23-2011, 05:17 PM
hey all

yeah i was just wondering this because all through my secondary school i was having say 5 hours of sleep a night at maximum and i cope well with this and was fine, and that never caused me to have anxiety so i was just wondering
erm no i dont worry about having an heart attack because i know anxiety cant lead to one so i just passed it off as another meaningless symptom, but i just wanted to check to be on the safe side. i struggle to get my 8 hours every night because of my work, so yeah i no that dosnt help.

suppose i had a little fear of having a nap in the evening then, incase it would increase my anxiety, which ended up happening cus i feared it, correct?

okay thanks ill have a read in the morning as im going bed now

yeah im still progressing with these,
im good at relaxing now as iv been practicing
my diet is getting there, im cutting down the junk bit by bit
iv been taking fish oil supps and i read that vitamin b capsules are good (are they?)
and iv been having protein shakes
as for the worrying, i dont worry about it anymore as i dont fear it as much, the only thing that still gets to me and stresses me out is the whole lack of intrests/libido
i feel if i didnt have this then i would be recovering quicker, but i know you said more push to recover = more stress
i guess i need a new hobby
as for the tysorine, i havnt been taking it, i dont want to go into full detail but im straight edge meaning i dont take and type of drug/medication

also i saw a member of the nhs mental care staff today and she has put me onto the cbt waiting list but this will take up to 3 months


02-23-2011, 06:53 PM
Well im hanging in there. see i found my way back lol i just have issues with thoughts..... i keep myself busy believe me but it doesnt stop my thinking being a mother of two i guess i learned a thing or too about being multitask cause boy can i really do that..UGH> the only think that keeps bugging me aside from everything that i ignore is my arms get weak really easily and i keep having heart paps. i find that if i am less stress it doesnt happen but if i more stressed i get 5 or more in one day. UGH> anyways other than that i have been okay. i have moved so its really quiet where i stay now. no more drama. so thats a relief. i thought i was going to be scared about moving to a new place but im not really once i got all my furniture here it feels like home now. lol anways thanks for asking how have you been?