View Full Version : Anxiety?!

02-22-2011, 02:05 AM
So a few months ago I think I had a panic attack and I went to urgent care cause I was having a hard time breathing and i had pains while breathing and when i tried to fall asleep I kept waking up every time I fell asleep cause I thought I stopped breathing.

The Doctor found nothing wrong with me. They took an EKG or whatever and they said my heart was fine. However, since then I don't feel the same. My heart feels like its beating so hard but my rate is normal. I just don't feel the same at all and I can't really explain it. I don't have the money to go back to the doctor to seek further help or see if there is really anything wrong with my either.

It just seems to consume my every thought all the time and I may only go 10 minutes here or there without thinking about it if i'm busy but for the most part I can't get it out of my thoughts!

Please help if you know anything. I'm sorry it's so long, I was just wondering if it sounds like a panic attack or anxiety.

02-22-2011, 08:15 AM
All your symptoms and sensations are anxiety related, and if your doctor didn't find any health issues in you, be totally worry free, you are perfectly normal, its just your anxiety levels have gone up, i understand they feel very very annoying and dangerous, the more you think about these sensations and your initial panic attack, the sensations will return and irritate you, also its medically proven that all sensations and symptoms related with anxiety and panic attacks are absolutely harmless and will not harm your heart, brain or any part of your body....It will never kill you or lead you to any mental disease.....This is medical fact!!!...Fear breeds fear and its simply your sub-conscious mind that are giving you the negative thoughts and ultimately the panic attacks....Learn to relax and understand your sensations...don't fight them...understand them and accept them they will go away very soon and know that they are completely harmless....Get busy doing something else..Divert your mind.

02-22-2011, 11:39 AM
Same thing happened to me after my first panic attack. I thought I was dying too at first. It is the fear that is doing this to you, I too tried to explain to others how I was feeling but could not find a way. It's very strange and very surreal at times. But good thing is that it DOES get easier and eventually fade into the background to the point where you no longer notice it.

The fact is we are feeding the fear all the time, the only advice I have is distractions. It takes a while to feel like yourself again, but when you get there you'll notice that everything is alright again.

02-23-2011, 12:22 AM
Thanks! I was feeling much better today. It's wierd how just talking to people who can relate and offer some advice, and comfort! I just hope I don't have one ever again. Worse feeling ever! However, if it does i'm trying to prepare myself and not freak out like I have the past two times it's happen. They just seem to get worse and then recovering takes longer. Again, thanks so much!

02-23-2011, 11:55 AM
Classic symptoms you have there. I used to do that ALOT and occasionally still do. It sucks and its really scary let me let you in on my secret.

Anxious thoughts = Panic and anxiety - Panic and anxiety = anxious thought. Try to break the cycle. I am little by little and its helping alot