View Full Version : Crazy Thoughts?! Help, Schizo?

02-21-2011, 03:43 PM
I know this is a common worry for many anxiety sufferers. I used to worry about it myself, went about 3 months worry free and all of a sudden I am worrying about being schizo again. I think random thoughts that make literally no sense like, "what if the character in the video game can think" or something like that...am I going crazy? oh damn i hope not, i'm in agony. Thanks for the replies, its funny how humble someone will be when they feel so terrible

02-21-2011, 03:53 PM
You're not going crazy, it's the anxiety kicking in again. It happens and it'll pass again.

I had the same thing a couple of days ago, I drunk some coffee (bad idea with anxiety but I keep drinking it) and then after some hours I had some thought that got me thinking crazy things, it wasn't really the thought that scared me, it was how I was reacting to the thought. Sometimes random stupid thoughts just kick in and they are illogical yet I let them bother me, but you should know that all it is is just your mind being over stressed again.

I had this stupid thought when there was a fly in my room that I was actually just imaging the fly and it wasn't really there. I find it quite amusing afterwards but still dislike how sometimes our minds just mess with us.

But we all experience those weird freak out moments, doesn't make us crazy. Just way over stressed and we really think too much.

02-22-2011, 12:41 AM
you all rock. Thanks for helping me chill a little bit. You are right, its a weird thought and I react in fear to the thought then have trouble letting it go. Thanks again

02-23-2011, 04:14 PM
Let me tell you that this thread is tremendously encouraging as I have thought in similar fashion but yet I always know that it is anxiety. Be blessed. Be encouraged. God bless.