View Full Version : My Anti-Anxiety diet...All my sensations are almost gone naturally without Drugs.

02-21-2011, 09:40 AM
Hi friends,

After reading some of the post here i felt i should write about my anti-anxiety diet which is helping me immensely to eradicate high anxiety and keeping me relaxed all day and night, even in very stressful situations ( I have been suffering from past 11 months and this diet has the been key towards my recovery)

What we eat and at what time we eat, directly affects our thoughts and sensations, if our thoughts are constantly rational, relaxed and positive and not negative and hyper our anxiety levels become normal and hence no sensations or symptoms.

Hence a proper diet is the key to getting rid of high anxiety and the sensations it bring along, also a proper diet leads to good digestion which leads to good blood circulation which leads to positive thoughts and which in-turn leads to a very good sleep, which is most important to get rid of high anxiety.

My Anti-Anxiety Diet

On waking up,

Firstly on empty stomach, i drink at least 2 glasses of warm water on waking up, you can preferably add 15-20 ml of Amla juice ( Indian gooseberry ) or 10-15ml of Aloevera Juice to it, (Amla is a wonder fruit and its benefits are simply amazing) this process flushes out the toxins from our body and gets our internal system charged up, Also this is great for the stomach.

My Morning breakfast in between 9am-10am

I Eat a good portion of everything made out of high fibre wheat grain like Brown breads/wheat rolls..etc with good portions of boiled vegetables or medium spiced veggies, A bowl of Oat meal with milk along with 2-3 pieces of Walnuts and finally a small sized ripe yellow banana after Breakfast (Adding a banana is a must as the banana will simply normalizes the blood sugar level in our body as blood sugar is responsible for most of our anxiety symptoms-so Eating a banana is the key)
Finally within 5 minutes of my breakfast i have a Vitamin B-Complex Capsule – This can be taken on an individual choice, this capsule has helped me immensely to eradicate most of my symptoms and sensations, but do a bit of research before you have B-complex to see if it suits you, it does suit majority of people!!!
(Also B-complex should be strictly taken only in the morning immediately after breakfast and not later in the day or night)

Afternoon Lunch In between 2pm-3pm

I Eat a medium portion of everything made out of high fiber wheat grain like Brown breads/wheat rolls..etc with good portions of boiled vegetables or medium spiced veggies also you can eat rice or rice made items in limits along with veggies or even chicken or fish, even egg whites are superb due to there high protein content...Also i don't over eat, i eat only in moderation!!!!(i again eat a small sized ripe yellow banana-This is my every day afternoon dessert)
I also some days have 2 spoons of Yogurt/Curds or Buttermilk after Lunch, this is very good for digestion and also induces good sleep at night!!!

Evening Snacks in between 5pm-6pm)

On Alternate days or at least twice a week i drink a cup of green juice, Procedure - I take any good leafy veggie i can find in the veggie store...like spinach, mint, lettuce, celery, cabbage, coriander leaves ...etc anything i like but only market available leafy veggies....also i sometimes add a small piece of beetroot, carrot or even cucumber....I wash the veggies thoroughly and then grind it in a mixer, i squeeze the left over pulp and extract the juice and drink it ( this green juice is pure energy and will refresh you instantly...if i am outside at work then i drink a fruit or veggie juice without artificial sugar...Also sometimes i eat some egg white or a Veggie brown bread sandwich along with this juice!!!
(I strictly have no tea or coffee. these are anxiety provoking stimulants, i avoid them strictly)
I normally have 3-4 pieces of Cabbage leaves, 1 carrot, Some mint and coriander leaves grinded together…The Cabbage and mint are again great for digestion and also induces good sleep at night!!!!

My Dinner in between 9pm-10pm

I eat an adequate portion of everything made out of high fiber wheat grain like Brown breads/wheat rolls..etc with good portions of boiled vegetables or medium spiced veggies also i sometimes eat rice or rice made items in limits along with veggies or even chicken or fish, even egg whites are superb due to there high protein content...Also i don't over eat, but eat only in moderation!!!!

Few Important rules i strictly follow everyday :-

1. I exercise at least once a day or four times a week like walking, jogging, Stretching, Yoga or Tai-chi.

2. I try to eat on time everyday,

3. I avoid snacking or munching in between meals.

4. I totally avoid tea and coffee.

5. I avoid Excess Alcohol and Excess smoking.

6. Also sometimes if i get gassy or bloated stomachs i eat a pinch of Bishop Seeds, This is an excellent remedy for any problems related to the stomach!!!

7. Banana & a B complex capsule is a my key mood stabilizer after my daily breakfast and lunch(This is my key)

8. Also I try to sleep on time everyday and also wake up at the same time...this keeps my body clock stable.

9. I also have a hot water shower 1 hour before i go to sleep, this relaxes my whole body and induces a good night sleep.

This is my everyday diet and works out superbly to suppress my high anxiety, if you want you can try it out, if it helps you relax and become anxiety sensations free I will be the most happiest, but its your choice!!!

02-23-2011, 01:11 AM
Whats wrong with tea? I drink chamomile tea and it helps me chill out.

02-28-2011, 07:58 AM
Chamomile tea is very good, but again if its pure chamomile flower leaves then its fine, but most of the herbal tea's have a lot regular tea powder mixed with less Chamomile petals,

And as told by my friend Forwells, anything that suits u best is what u should follow, just remember we are just going through a mood disorder and all these things which we are anxious about now are what we used to do, follow and eat with out a thought when we had no anxiety disorder, its just a condition we have put ourselves in, a totally harmless and silly condition, Just forget about it, get yourself busy, and if the sensations do come back for a visit challenge it and watch it crumble in front of you, Cheers!!!!!!!!