View Full Version : The next deadly disease....or not

02-20-2011, 02:50 PM
So feeling okay as of late, then today I get this shooting pain in my left temple. *It comes and is gone in like 2 seconds but very painful.
No history of migraines or headaches...my BP was 143/82, waiting 3 minutes and took it again and it was down to 128/80.
So, don't think it was hBP. *It occurred about 4 times today; first time at church.
Of course it freaked me out a little; no panic, but started shaking a little and decided to play the Internet-pick-your-favorite-disease-game...of course by the time I'm finished I have a brain tumor, MS, and oncoming stroke. *Or just a ice pick headache.

I think new symptoms always freak me out a little.

I can't run to the doc with every latest potential deadly disease.

Anyone get this symptom or struggle in general with when is it anxiety or a medical condition?


02-20-2011, 06:48 PM
Hey James

I have never had that pain in my head but I do get it in my chest all the time. I found out that from my cardiologist that your B/P fluctuates so much throughout the day so It's not surprising that it changed the way it did. Stop it with the google searches it's just going to make it worse, I learned that the hard way because before I was diagnosed with my Panic Disorder I had, MS,brain tumor, breast cancer and only half of my heart was working according to Google. After many doc appts I am a very healthy 30 year old female with a very horrible anxiety disorder. I will defeat this thing called anxiety and so will you!!


02-21-2011, 03:45 PM
Bad idea to google.

I'm sure it's nothing to be concerned off, I have a ton of sharp pains and migraines and none of them used to be there until the anxiety kicked in. I went to a neurologist too who said I'm fine and it's my stressed nerves causing these sensations.

But hey, if you're very concerned you might want to see a doctor too. But seriously, stay away from googling these things, they can just make you feel worse.