View Full Version : can someone answer my question

02-20-2011, 10:33 AM
hey all

i have a question that i want to ask but before i do i want to share something first
between now and when my anxiety disorder first started i have been alot better, i use be anxious about every thing whether it was me going somewhere or someone coming to me or someone leaving me, i would get anxious about it which would lead me to a panic attack, this would happen everyday.

now i dont have panic attacks anymore. im not anxious when i wake up and im not anxious when im going somewhere, someone coming to me or someone leaving, so yeah im getting there

there is only one place that the thought of going or being there makes me anxious and that dancing, beacuse i dont enjoy it anymore
i only have a few symptoms now which are blurred vision when im reading something or concentrating on something, and the whole lack of intrest thingy

the final symptom i think it is, is what i have the question about,
basically from when i wake up untill 4pm i will have a couple of random spells where i just have this emotional sad feeling come on but it will some pass a couple of minutes after. but at 4/5pm every day i will have this emotional sad feeling come on strong and it turns into a small anxiety attack whick will last about 5-10 minutes

i was just wondering why this is or what could be the reason for this?

p.s every night it happens, my thoughts at the time come clearer, i may be wrong but it seems to me that im having thoughts of the day coming to an end which makes me sad.


02-21-2011, 04:10 PM
I'm also getting over my anxiety I believe, I mean I don't view it the same way I used to so it's not as bad anymore.

But I also seem to have random mood swings and feel very down at certain times during the day, this usually around 4-7pm. I don't really know why, but I figured the anxiety has just brought me down so I just got into the habit of feeling bad around the same time everyday. Also my anxiety is higher in the afternoon and disappears almost entirely at night. I also tend to be able to feel a lot happier at night. While often day time is depressing.

I don't really understand it apart from maybe it has to do with how our brains work, apparently we're supposed to be most alert around 4pm, so that could have something to do with it? Or maybe it's a psychological thing and we've caught ourselves in this routine?

I'd be very interested in hearing from others about this. But it's very common that after people start to recover from anxiety that they still have many emotional problems that developed during the anxiety that take a while to go away.

02-22-2011, 12:44 PM

yeah you seem the same as me because i also am perfectly fine say 8pm onwards
yeah that would make sence if we are ment to most alert around 4pm
i dont think my problem is psycological though cus i dont look at the time however i can tell when its around 4pm as my anxiety increases

yeah its good to know im not the only one


02-22-2011, 02:22 PM
hey kev

yeah i went today and he said everything that he tested for was fine

okay thats fine, good morning to you :)


02-22-2011, 04:27 PM
erm he tested about 6 things, he did say them to me but i cant say i remember them

why is it not?


02-22-2011, 07:37 PM
erm he tested about 6 things, he did say them to me but i cant say i remember them

It sounds like they gave you what is sometimes referred to as a 'basic metabolic panel'. I'm not sure what country you live in. But here is the US, this test is often referred to as a 'Chem 7'. As this name suggests, there are actually SEVEN things being tested - sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine (not to be confused for creatine), and glucose. But in other countries, things might be different. Unfortunately, some other things which are important with anxiety disorder (like thyroid stimulating hormone - TSH) are NOT tested for. The 'Chem 7' is a decent indicator of overall health. But it is unlikely that anything here is going to really be 'out of whack' if you have anxiety disorder.

02-23-2011, 04:58 PM

yeah he tested my thyroid as i remember him mentioning that one and he said it was fine, i didnt get any results he just said fine to all the things he tested for#


02-23-2011, 05:29 PM
YES. This is precisely what I feel..well, minus the occasional hot flash feeling that I feel too. Good to hear this is a sign of improvement. God bless.