View Full Version : from head cold to pressure/ringing in ears....I'm up all night having anxiety :(

02-20-2011, 06:26 AM
Hi everyone, I started having pressure and ringing in my ears tonight after driving home from a friend's house. I have a feeling of fullness, vibrations and slight dizziness. I'm getting over a head cold but I've never had anything like this before. Everytime I try to lie down to sleep my heart starts racing from anxiety. I feel trapped and scared because I have to ride this out while at the same time trying not to let my self catastrophize over feeling like this. It's 5:25am where I am and I have been up all night. I'm working hard to be ok with this, knowing it will pass....but I'm so tired that I had to post something to help me feel better. Thanks for letting me vent.

Do any of you get anxious when sick????

02-20-2011, 10:58 AM

I suffer the exact same symptoms. Actually I'm trying to shake those same feelings right now. I've had ringing in my ears for way over a year and much worse lately. I get the pressure head and dizzy spells. Also the pounding heart and always when I lay down to sleep. It's all awful, I hate it. I don't feel as if I'm nervous or anxious at the time but the feelings just happen out of the blue. Lately they've been coming like clockwork around 11am. I can't even plan a trip now for fear of panic attacks all the time. HELP!

02-20-2011, 10:30 PM
Yea, I'm getting over a cold and whatever is going on with my ears is definitely related. I was able to fall asleep around 6:30am and slept on and off throughout today. My ears don't feel plugged, its more like a feeling of pressure and vibration. Its very annoying but I'm glad to say my anxiety has settled thanks to some getting some sleep. Usually when I'm sick my anxiety is mostly settled unless the symptoms I'm experiencing include dizziness and/or nausea. I'll be glad when this passes....hopefully soon!