View Full Version : Please Read This Im so Desperate for Help x

02-19-2011, 07:00 PM

I have suffered from anxiety for a long long time.

I have been feeling a bit strange ( Im Thinking anxiety Related) for a couple of weeks.

I started feeling really weird a few days ago, Went away supposed to be dor the weekend. We got ready to go out and I was fine, We got out I had a couple of drinks and I felt really sick and had a very bad headache. I ended up being sick but feeling rough.

Drove home today (also got a cold, and i get them every couple of weeks which really worries me) and i have had a horrible headache and felt sick.

I just dont feel myself at all! Im really getting scared.

Please help me and try to advise me =( =( =(

02-19-2011, 11:41 PM
Hi Gemma90,

I totally understand how you feel as I'm sure everyone here does too. First of all, sit back, take a couple slow, deep breaths and know that you are not alone. When you're sick and anxious its hard to tell which came first. Have you been under additional stress lately? Anything going on in your life that might have set your anxiety in motion more than what you're used to? As for the frequent colds, it is the season for runny noses and such so don't let that upset you more than it needs to. :) If they are frequent or just don't seem to be going away completely, then maybe it is time to visit your doctor to rule out a possible sinus infection. Getting sick is completely normal but when you add anxiety to the mix, all those symptoms seem to get amplified and make things feels worse. Feeling crappy doesn't mean that there is something wrong....it just means you're feeling crappy! :) As anxiety sufferers, we tend to read into things too deeply, jump to a negative conclusion and then send ourselves into an anxious spin. That's the nature of anxiety. If you're not feeling well, go see your doctor. If everything checks out fine and it turns out to be anxiety, then you know its something familiar (crappy, but familiar) and that it will subside. Hang in there...take it easy and know that you are going to be okay. :)

02-21-2011, 02:57 PM
Are you under any additional stress in your life? I know that I've gotten more sick when my anxiety was particularly bad. Being married, I've learned that my wife can get physically sick, and then she can get anxious which makes it much worse.

It's actually all very quite confusing to sort out, and it even confuses the doctors. Ultimately, you have to decide what's going on - is your anxiety causing you to get sick, or are you getting sick because of some physical difficulty? A doctor visit may not be a bad idea, although it is the season for the cold and flu virus, so you might be having just a rougher year than normal.

Sorry, I couldn't provide answers, but hopefully something I said will help you to find your own answer :)