View Full Version : Inositol Drug Interactions

02-19-2011, 05:34 AM

I have been on celexa for some yars (currently 10 mg) which seems to prevent full blown panic attacks, but my general anxiety is still very high, and i still get anxious very easily.

Ive been reading into the benefits of inositol, and it seems that it does not interact with SSRI's. But I am also on Niaspan to increase my good cholesterol.

but it says this with the Niaspan interaction "Vitamins or other nutritional supplements containing large doses of niacin or related compounds such as nicotinamide may potentiate the adverse effects of NIASPAN."

I've been getting varied reports about inisotol and no-flush niacine (nicotinamide). I cannot tell if they are the same things or not. I see some no flush niacin in 500mg capsules, and then I see the inositol powder (which i would want to take) for 8-14gram daily servings. Are these two supplements the same thing? Is the anxiety form of inositol (myo-inositol i think) different from the cholesterol supplement form (inositol Hexanicotinate) of it?

Thanks in advance for the help.

02-19-2011, 10:00 PM
Inositol and niacin (whether nicotinic acid or nicotinamide) are VASTLY different compounds, and bear no chemical resemblance to one another. Inositol is MUCH more closely related to ordinary table sugar than it is to niacin (inositol is actually what is called a 'sugar alcohol'). In fact, your body actually MAKES inositol from sugar. Because of this, I see the chances of interaction as being unlikely. And regardless, the fact that there are interactions with niacin mean nothing in terms of potential reactions with inositol. However, you may want to ask a doctor or pharmacist if there is a problem.