View Full Version : Visual problems?

02-17-2011, 04:33 PM
Hi everyone! I am currently trying to overcome generalized anxiety disorder and and seem to be making some headway after a long long long time. I have had most of the same symptoms as everyone else.....Nausea, derealization, tinnitus, headaches, jaw ache, panic attacks etc etc shall i go on! But my most annoying symptoms are with my eyes. The very first physical symptom i got was floaters in both eyes, left being worse, and throughout this i have also had light sensitivity and a strange flickering in the corners of my eyes when i blink or am in bright light. I have had all the test and my eyes are fine with no damage at all and i understand why these things are happening but i am finding it so frustrating to have such a noticeable symptom when i am starting to feel so good otherwise! Whats worse than having a symptom that is literally in your line of sight constantly everyday? Makes it hard to believe that things are getting better when you can actually see your symptoms with your own eyes!?! I was wondering if anyone else has suffered with their vision and how it has affected them? Has anyone overcome anxiety and their vision has returned to normal? Thanks for your help everyone. x

U Can Do It
02-18-2011, 12:24 PM
Yes I've had that and unfortunately it still bothers me sometimes. I literally couldn't walk looking down because i was having "optic illusions" and sometimes i'd see those flashes you mention in the corner of my eye. I'm better now and the best advice i can give you is to think of anything but what is happening to you as it worsens any symptom you may be experiencing and it will eventually go away.

Did you happen to experience that particular symptom after reading about it? My anxiety started with the heart attack feelling and when they diagnosed me with Anxiety disorder i looked it online and you can imagine the rest of the story <_<

02-18-2011, 04:25 PM
Actually no all of my symptoms developed before i even knew i had anxiety. It started with floaters in my eyes and then all of the usual symptoms of anxiety but at the time i thought i was suffering from a very bad virus and then maybe post viral syndrome. It carried on for about four months or so and then i started to have panic attacks just recently which made me realise it was more to do with stress than anything else. I went to the doctor who confirmed, after many tests, that i was suffering from GAD. Now that i know what is going on i am doing very well. I am managing to cope with the symptoms and let them pass but the visual problems are just that little bit harder to control as there is not a lot more i can do but wait for my nervous system to calm down. I have made a lot of changes to my lifestyle and basically i am just learning to accept and eventually forget the symptoms that have caused me so much suffering over the past few months. The doctor has prescribed me anti-depressants but i am determined to beat this without them and at present i am feeling so much better. I am also experimenting with some herbal remedies which i believe are helping me no end.

02-19-2011, 05:01 PM
I suffer with this quite badly aswell.

How do you cope with it so well? im kind of used to it now so i try not to let it worry me.

02-20-2011, 06:44 AM
When I was very young I would sometimes see one or two eye floaters and they bothered me.

Once a developed anxiety, after having it for a couple of weeks, at quite an intense level, I started noticing a lot of floaters in my vision, but only in natural bright light.

Very bothersome, annoying. Especially on days I was actually feel good and then would go look out the window and see all the floaters and develop a migraine. I see none of them at night. So it has caused a bit of a day phobia for me.

But, the best thing to try to do is just not let them bother you, they sort of just fade into the background like that I've noticed.

02-23-2011, 06:57 PM
i have had that too. i have not over came anxiety but i have over came that symptom but i still see it sometimes and most of the time it really is something that i seen. like glistening of something outside that is peeking through the blinds. and i laugh it off and keep on going...

02-24-2011, 04:33 PM
Ive learnt to ignore the twinkling in corners of my eyes by just thinking that it actually looks quite pretty!!! The floaters are a different story though. I think i have kind of convinced myself that because they were the first physical symptom i had that they will be the last to go away! They are there all the time and at least the other symptoms come and go!

House Dad
03-17-2011, 02:10 PM
I have the same issues. I make my anxiety worse by fearing the worst as in strokes, aneurysms and tumors. Try to set your mind to something else and it should pass. I'm having an episode as we speak and it is making me ill because I can not focus but I'm on here trying to talk to others to keep my mind elsewhere. You will be fine. As others and myself have said, try to focus elsewhere. Once you can do that, try to figure out what causes it and then you can work on that.

House Dad
03-18-2011, 02:49 PM
Does anyone else get double vision side by side? I was told that is not normal. My doc refuses to look into it but it is scaring me to no end. My new fear has become intracranial pressure. Ugh!!! So tired of this already.