View Full Version : Hey everyone

02-17-2011, 04:06 AM
To introduce myself, I am Kim. 31. I just took a big leap and moved with my son and Husband from Minnesota to Sydney, Australia. When I was 22, I started to have memories of being sexually abused when I was 5. In bringing it up to my parents, they knew it happened. I had mentioned something as a child, but then quickly took it back when I saw them get upset, by saying he just asked me to do it and didn't really do it. When these memories came back, I became afflicted with generalized anxiety and panic. I worked through it and was getting to a place where I could manage it with therapy once every 3 weeks. Well, now that I moved, my whole life is thrown and it's all back.

I find with my husband's family, ( I live with my mother in law who is recently dignosed with depression) that they take my anxiety as rudeness. We all just aggravate each other's problems, and I am at the end of my rope. Has anyone else had this reaction to your anxiety? For instance, I flee when I am anxious, and they seem to think I am just rudely leaving, but also won't tolerate it if I ask to be excused. I feel like I have no control and like they are actually trying to take it away from me, and it's set me on a bad course with depression pretty bad. Anyway, thanks for listening! I hope to form some friendships here!

02-20-2011, 05:50 PM
Hey Kev.

Thanks for the welcome. I don't think I will ever truly be completely over my sexual abuse. I am very sorry about what happened to you. The abuse was wrong and then to have no one help you, that must have been so scary!

Recently, I have decided it would be better to let my hubby talk to his mum. I was really scared that it would make things worse because she tends to react explosively, even when things aren't that bad, but I go weeks right now with her not speaking to me and we live in the same house! I don't think it can get a lot worse! Thankfully, we are finally able to get a place of our own now so we will be moving soon. I just pray that we find a place quickly!
