View Full Version : Please Help. I'm really scared and need some advice...

02-16-2011, 03:27 PM
Its almost been a week and I am experiencing something I've never experienced before. Its extremely scary and I don't know what to do.

I feel internal shaking throughout my whole body and so much emotions/fears coming at me at once. I'm also jumpy and very uneasy. I was sitting at the doctor office and as soon as they called my name. A sense of nerves jumped in my chest. This is on 24/7...its extremely bothersome and scary. How do I turn this all off. Even typing this now I feel extremely weird. I don't really know how to describe this sensation I'm feeling.

My mind seems to be out of whack too because I feel so so tired to the point where I can't get off the couch or bed. When I do go to sleep, I feel like I'm not sleeping but I am. I don't know how to explain it. Please someone help me as I do not know what to do. Has anyone experienced this before?

02-21-2011, 03:06 PM
Well, this more intense than a lot of anxiety conditions that I have seen or heard of. It might be SA cause the 2 events that you describe bring you to the eye of the public - having your name called at the doctor's office, and typing in a forum where potentially thousands of people can see you typing.

I'm not fully convinced its SA yet, but it's some sort of anxiety. You might want to see a doctor about it because the symptoms you describe are quite intense. These symptoms are also not too typical of SA - internal shaking, many emotions/fears at once, and being EXTREMELY tired. Best idea, it seems, is to get the help of a knowledgeable professional.

02-21-2011, 03:15 PM
When I first developed anxiety, it was the most terrifying thing in the world. For weeks I couldn't focus and everything scared me. It was unlike anything I had felt before and thought I was going insane.

However, I got better. I went into a complete physical by doctors, including a neurologist, once everything was fine. I had that at ease. Slowly things just started picking up, once I got used to the sensations they sort of started to fade. I also started taking magnesium supplements which were a lot of help :)

02-22-2011, 01:35 AM
Hey there

The sleeping and not feeling like you actually slept is quite normal with a high level of anxiety...it's like when solders sleep 'with one eye open'. I've had it before and as Varjo says - when you get used to these sensations and you are clear in your own mind that they are down to anxiety, they will eventually pass.