View Full Version : headaches and stomache aches, why?

02-16-2011, 09:58 AM
hey all

since my anxiety disorder started iv had pretty much constant headaches and stomach aches
these dont bother me that much, they are just annoying
but i would like to know how anxiety causes these because these are physical pain where anxiety is a mental issue?


02-16-2011, 03:13 PM
I have headaches and stomach aches as well. this week I have had stomach pains all week and I try to tell myself that it is anxiety related and nothing more serious than that. and that it will go away.

also, I have suffered from IBS for the last 10 years or more. IBS is greatly effected by stress/anxiety. it is quite likely that my stomach aches are associated with IBS.

02-16-2011, 05:27 PM
thanks for clearing that up for me kev

my eatings going okay
i did further research in to anxiety diet and printed of all the things i should have and all the things i shouldnt have and gave it to my mom so she knows what to cook me
iv decreased the amount of chocolate and sweets i have, ill keep decreasing it until i dont eat them anymore
iv decreased the amount of bbq sauce i have, i use to have it with every meal, looked at its sugar content and it was stupidly high
i eat a fair number of bananas and nuts cus i really like them and i can have them
so yeah little changes for now but im working on it
just gotta get use to it cus i went dance tonight and i came home and felt so ill and was sick, i gathered it was my diet change

erm my appointment with my gp to discuss my blood test results isnt until next tuesday so i have to wait until then
