View Full Version : Can't Shake This Feeling Off and Can't Sleep {Please Help}

02-15-2011, 02:55 PM
Its almost been a week since I've had this anxious feeling stuck in my chest and arms. One day it was completely fullblown and then it calmed down but I feel like its lingering in my chest and arms. I also can't sleep, if I go to lay down I feel like my heart starts to pound louder and feels like its going a mile a minute. When I do finally fall asleep I wake up a million times a night and never get a full rest of sleep. This is such a horrible feeling that I want to shake off but I don't know how to. Please someone explain to me whats going on or if this is normal.

The doctor also prescribed me Seroquel and I only started it today.

02-15-2011, 03:08 PM
I am not familiar with anxiety working like this, and while I don't typically advocate for usage of medication, this may be a case where you would want to use medication. Your symptoms are so intense and causing so much distress that alternative methods (which usually are long-term and not short-term) are not going to help immediately, although you should start using some (counseling, exercise, avoiding alcohol/caffeine etc...)

Give the seroquel some time - it probably takes a few weeks before it gets up to full effect. Be careful though, because it's a powerful medication. My neighbor actually was part of a settlement against the makers of Seroquel because it was doing some nasty stuff to some people, although I don't recall the specifics.

Some tips about medication:

If the medication is causing more bad side effects and the bad parts outweigh the benefits, feel free to let your doctor know you want to try something else. If he doesn't agree, fire your doctor and see someone else who will work with you.

Medication will reduce your symptoms, but be sure you are taking a long-term approach to solving your anxiety such as exercising, counseling, and learning how to do the the things that terrify you, but with less fear. Eventually, it is possible to overcome any anxiety condition without medication, but that can take a few years of practice before it actually happens.

Another thing about medication is that it works differently in different people, and there may (or may not) come to be a time where this medication is no longer effective for reducing your anxiety, and you may have to try another one.

Hope this helps.
