View Full Version : New here - could this be anxiety?

08-27-2006, 08:18 AM
First of all I would like to present myself, since this is my first time on this forum. My name is Alessia and I am 30 years old. I would like your help regarding my problems. I know the doctors are the ones who should be telling me what's wrong, but I thought maybe someone of you guy would recognise my problems as yours so we can exchange our experiences. Thank you in advance for any reply to this post.
So, basically, for the past year I have been having some on/off symptoms which could be summarised like this: feeling shaky, feeling like my whole body is vibrating from the inside, muscle tension, nervous stomach. I was going through some stress lately, but non of these symptoms were happening right after some stressfull situation, but on contrary, they happen when I am calm, they come out of the blue. For example, I am watching TV, and all of the sudden I feel some strange nervousness in my stomach, and than that strange feeling is going through my whole body, some kind of shaky feeling, but you cannot actually see my legs or hands shaking, it's an inner feeling of vibrating. Sometimes this feeling is accompanied by some strange feelings in my legs, like "they are not mine", like I can hardly stand on my legs. Sometimes I feel lightheadedd or have that stupid feeling like I am going to faint. Then I usually get very scared about it and the situation keeps getting worse, because now, above all I am even scared what's happenind to me. This kind of symptoms sometimes happen once ot twice a week, and than 5 months can pass without any kind of symptom.

What do you guys think about this? Have you had experiences like this? what bother me the most is that this happens put of blue, when I am calm and relaxed.
I must tell you that recently I did some blood, thyroid, lung, heart tests, and everything came out negative. But I am still confused, can be related to anxiety or this is related to some physical problem?

I would really appreciate your comments on this. Thank you.


08-27-2006, 05:54 PM
Hi and welcome to the Forum perla. Those do look like anxiety symptoms but the fact you have them out of the blue is a bit strange. Im no expert but I would say get it checked out by a doctor. i personally get those symptoms when I have a panic attack and am confronted with something that makes me nervous/anxious/scared. I have felt the nervous shakes, nervous stomach light headedness and tingling feelings so your not alone with those...just your causes are differnt to mine :unsure:

hope that was some help...I can only recommend getting it checked out by a GP

All the best, let us know how you get on.

10-09-2006, 04:32 PM
Hi Alessia,
I too am experiencing the same type of symptoms. I work in a very stressful job and have some family stress. I rarely get anxiety attacts when i am stressed. I get them days later when i am calm, or having a great time. I do not take anything for my anxiety, I have been trying to fight it alone. I would go months without anything, but when i do get symptoms they usually will go for a few days and then nothing for weeks. My first attack happened when i was driving, i litterally thought i was going to pass out. I get lightheaded and dizzy. I feel like i'm going to faint. I sometimes will have my heart race but not always. It funny cause it seems when i get used to my anxiety symptoms, i develop new ones. I go to the Dr's for tests and nothing wrong. The only thing i have is TMJ disorder, which gives me headaches and earaches. which then leaves me anxious. I have taken Ativan 0.5mg for this before but it leaves me anxious and stoned. which is even worse than being just anxious. it does help many people, but not me. I hope this helps you.

10-10-2006, 01:38 PM
I have the exact same symptoms you have and the most scary one for me is the "vibrating" feeling you have described. I remember just sitting there looking for a sushi restaurant in the telephone book and it just came about out of no where. I have a really typical life, I really wouldn't so much say it's a stressed but when I went to the ER the Dr. informed me that anxiety can be brought on by anything. A thought, an argument, a worry, trying to find a restaurant.....anything! Attacks are scary and it sucks having them on a daily basis to once a month to every 6 months. Talk to your Dr. about maybe trying some antianxiety medication. Anyways just know your not alone and if you ever need to talk PM me!

10-22-2006, 09:36 PM
I have had the same symptoms too. At first they would come on in my mind for no reason. Now I usuallt get after a stressful event. It's like my body holds it in until after the event and then lets me have it. It sucks but I try to prepare myself by saying I should be proud of myself for getting through the stressful situation and that there is no reason for after the fact anxiety. It doesn't always work, of course, but in order to reprogram my mind that I have strength to conquer this and that the worst is over. It is very important for all of us to take at least half an hour to be by ourselves and use some self relaxation skills. To keep me from hyperventilating, I remember to breathe not through my chest but my stomach. Put your hand on your sternum and breathe in through your stomach. You'll feel it rise. You get more oxygen. Then breathe out through your mouth. It really helps me out. Wishing you well.
