View Full Version : Thoughts - help needed - please read

02-15-2011, 06:42 AM
Ok, up and about, spent several weeks crying and feeling sorry for myself, have now decided to live anyway...
Going shopping, trying to get on with things, not too bad when i'm busy, but I need some advice and reassurance from anyone out there if you can - how do you handle the "mind chatter" and constant thoughts - negative thoughts like "you'll never get better" - "you can't do this / it" constant barrage of negativity - is this just me or does this happen to everyone? Does it mean I'm doomed to failure because i'm negative? Or are these thouughts not really me? Struggling, can't think my way out of this one, need to know if this is normal and how the hell do you overcome it? Feels like anything I try is already going to fail because my thoughts predict it will - if I just ignore them and carry on is that a way forward.....
Please advise if you can...... thanks

02-15-2011, 07:02 AM
It's not just you who has these sorts of thoughts. They are VERY common, even in people who don't have anxiety disorder. The funny thing I find about these sorts of thoughts is that they are actually ALOT less scary than many other problems associated with anxiety disorder. However, I have found that they are MUCH more difficult to deal with than mere anxiety symptoms. While anxiety symptoms ALWAYS succumb to the fact that they are irrational beyond any reasonable doubt, negative thoughts that one might have about themselves (like 'I am a failure.', and 'People don't like me.') are often rooted to at least some degree in truth. Therefore, they are VERY difficult to dispute, and tend to come back again and again. ESPECIALLY when you are already under stress for other reasons (ie a hard day at work). Honestly, I can't recommend the a good way to deal with these kinds of thoughts, as I am still looking for one myself. Some people recommend TEA forms for this sort of thing. But the inherent problem with TEA forms in this situation is that you must come up with an allegedly more rational replacement thought that you are able to at least somewhat believe. And this is where I just run into a wall.

02-15-2011, 07:25 AM
These Thoughts are completely normal for high anxiety suffers, i totally understand what you mean, the negative thoughts feel as if somebody else controls you and you cant stop these thoughts from coming....Right.....They indeed make you feel worse and actually are the root cause of anxiety and panic attacks....So relax my friend you are not alone:):)

The best way to beat these thoughts are just flow with it, understand it, write it on a piece of paper and rational write your answers to them are they real or not and i can bet 99% of your thoughts will be irrational and baseless....When ever negative thoughts creep up...immediately divert your mind and think about people who are living in much worst conditions like Home less Beggars, Critically diseased people, or people with serious mental disease......You will feel much better instantly...Also all the thoughts and symptoms related with Anxiety condition are totally and 101% harmless...they wont kill you or lead to any mental disorder later...Its just your minds on super alert..and when you are alert your mind is trying to look out for any negative thought to chew on, analyze and keep you safe...Believe me your are perfectly alright:)

Also What you eat is the very key to negative thoughts...i suffered from the same process you are in maybe worse..but i have found a way out....I will post my Anti-Anxiety, Anti-Negativity and super Healthy Diet which i believe is the key to getting rid of high anxiety and all its sensations...Keep in touch:)

02-15-2011, 02:59 PM
These thoughts were pretty commonplace for me for some time. What I learned is that you just have to keep taking actions - doers always end up well. What you'll learn as you continue trying is that there are certain things that are just not "you" and that are not worth doing.

For example, in your career path you will eventually find work that you enjoy (difficult to do in this day and age). You may learn through experience that customer service is something that you don't like and don't succeed at. Then, eventually through experience and eliminating things you know don't work for you, you will learn the things that do work for you. In my case, I transitioned from working on computers (I had complete hatred for this job and the people) to working with mentally disabled people, which caused me low stress and provided high enjoyment. Other people on this site may like IT work and succeed at it.

The bottom line is to keep trying, learning from your experiences, and take one little step each day to get to where you believe you will be happy.