View Full Version : what about pregnancy with anxiety and anxiety meds?

02-14-2011, 06:13 PM
I'm not pregnant but I've been trying for like 3 years (I'm 30 years old). ever since I started the anxiety meds in September I have not been trying to get pregnant. I read online that effexor doubles the risk of miscarriage (I already had 2 miscarriages without the aide of meds!) and increases the risks of birth defects. So I was hoping that I would only be on the meds for a short time so I can get back to seeing a fertility specialist and trying to get pregnant.
do any of you have any input into anxiety meds and pregnancy?
also, part of me is afraid that my anxiety symptoms will increase with pregnancy and babies.... I know that obviously babies give reason for anxiety but I'm talking about my stupid anxiety not like good-reason-anxiety.

02-15-2011, 02:38 AM
I have not heard anything solid about antidepressants and pregnancy. But common sense just says that antidepressants are something you want to avoid while pregnancy.

02-16-2011, 05:49 AM
Here's something else to consider about taking anxiety medications while pregnant. Not only might they have a negative effect on the neural development of the fetus. But the baby could also very well experience withdrawal after being born. The way I see things, if you shouldn't be smoking, drinking, and/or taking street drugs while pregnant, it is CERTAINLY best NOT to be taking anxiety medication, either. There are better ways of dealing with anxiety than pills regardless - ways which DON'T harm a fetus as well.

02-19-2011, 04:21 PM
Great question for your doctor or psychiatrist. What I can say is to treat anxiety with non-medication methods. Get what exercise you can (walking) wihle pregnant. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Eat as healthy of a diet as possible. Talk to friends and family if your anxiety is bothering you. Get some enjoyable hobbies to take your mind off of it all. There's tons more but that's a start.

02-19-2011, 04:52 PM
Great question for your doctor or psychiatrist.

Your average doctor or psychiatrist is just going to tell you that antidepressants are perfectly safe to take during pregnancy. Then again, this is what they used to say about smoking during pregnancy, DES, and thallidomide. I don't know that taking antidepressants carries the same risk as these things. But you don't want to take chances here. It's one thing to make the choice of taking antidepressants for yourself. But when there is even somewhat of a chance you could be harming a fetus, I just don't think it is a good idea.