View Full Version : the linden method? does it work?

02-11-2011, 02:02 PM
hey all
i have been researching the causes of anxiety and i came across some interesting information, which is the amygdala in the brain that controls anxiety levels can get stuck in the high zone, your subconcious recognises this as normal but your concious mind knows its not which causes all the problems. to reverse these changes, you have to reprogram your amygdala back to normal and this is done using the linden method

according to the founder of this method, medication and counciling doesnt actually cure anxiety
i was just wondering is this true and does the linden method actually work?
as it costs a bit of money but i dont mind paying if it actually works
has anyone tried this method or no any information about it?

02-11-2011, 05:32 PM
hi kev

yeah i get what you mean, just wondered if anyone has had any experiences with it

well the thing that worries me most about it is the fact that i dont know when it will randomly start and when it will randomly stop
what i mean by this is, thinking back to when i was a kid i had these feelings before i had to go school so i had a reason to be anxious
but apart from that iv lived a normal life when suddenly one day for no reason that i know of i got hit with all this, then a week later it randomly stopped and i was perfectly fine for about 2 weeks, then suddenly this all started again, again for no reason i can think off

someone said it could be a past trumatic event that i havnt fully healed from that is playing up in my subconcious mind, the only thing i could think that could be is my girlfriend having an abortion which left me devistated as i wanted it, but i feel i hav got over that now so im totally not sure


02-12-2011, 02:57 AM
Thank you yet again kev, dont think you know how much your helping me, your ten times better than my gp

yeah i didnt think it was the abortion because like i said i feel i got over it, but having said that, everytime i see a baby i feel upset and often hav a tear or two, but i am generally a sentive guy, what do you think?

i totally understand what you mean, so i am going to try my hardest to retrain my subconcious mind. i am also going back to the doctors for some tests and im going to see a psychologist to try and find out that the core reason for starting my anxiety is.
in addition to that i am going to follow a dibetic diet and take fish supps along with exercising
was wondering if protien shakes would help aswel?
and hopefully this will sort my anxiety out or atleast control it

again thank you so much kev, your help is much appreciated